Steve Smith lives in Ft. Mitchell, KY with Emmy award winning writer Vicki Prichard and dogs Edgar and Oberon. His parents, Jim and Gay, live nearby in the same house where he and his sisters Caryn (Aspen, CO) and Elisabeth (Mt. Lookout, OH) grew up. His family tree falls from journalists in Iowa, corn and pig farmers in Indiana, and workers and inventors in West Virginia.
As a kid, Steve played sports, and though not a strong suit, Steve eventually played basketball in the International Student Games in Istanbul, Turkey, via the Edinburgh University team in Scotland (where, logically enough, he studied Chinese). The Edinburgh team won the invitation to Turkey. What wasn’t known was that Edinburgh was supposed to send a variety of teams, but only basketball made the trip. “So we played basketball, swam, ran track, and other sports, with no equipment and no training. “Waxed” is putting it lightly. It was a multi-sport beat down.”
Steve’s long-term clients are long-term friends. “It has to be that way. With friends there is room to disagree and have tough conversations without jeopardizing the relationship. The lack of a good relationship makes tough conversations unnecessarily stressful and can lead to miscommunication.”
Today, Steve's days are heavily invested in ethics, compliance, investigations and employment matters. He will always be a litigator. Steve is currently the Kentucky Market Leader, the firm’s Associate General Counsel, and serves on the Mansfield Certification Committee.
Industries & Practices
J. Stephen Smith
- office 859.578.3070
- fax 859.578.3071
Northern Kentucky Chamber Center2400 Chamber Center Drive, Suite 300Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
- Commonwealth of Kentucky
- State of Indiana
- State of Ohio
- U.S. Court of Appeals - Sixth Circuit
- U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Kentucky
- U.S. District Court - Western District of Kentucky
- U.S. District Court - Northern District of Indiana
- U.S. District Court - Southern District of Indiana
- U.S. District Court - Southern District of Ohio