Colin Kalvas practices public finance and economic development law. Colin serves political subdivisions, financial institutions, developers and special purpose districts such as special improvement districts and new community authorities in many different capacities. He regularly represents clients in matters related to the issuance of bonds, securities law, federal income tax law, contracts, real property acquisition, development, and governmental revenues.
Colin has been at the forefront of developing property assessed clean energy (PACE) financing in Ohio. His PACE efforts include serving as counsel to PACE administrators and energy special improvement districts throughout Ohio, as well as serving as bond counsel and lender’s counsel to Ohio port authorities and other financial institutions that finance energy efficiency and clean energy projects through PACE.
He is well known within the national PACE community and has spoken at several national PACE conferences. He has extensive experience negotiating, documenting and closing PACE transactions, including as part of complex capital stacks. Colin is frequently called upon to advise PACE capital providers of all kinds with respect to transactional best practices and documentation.
Colin serves on Bricker Graydon’s public finance federal income tax support committee. In that capacity Colin advises clients on federal income tax issues related to municipal bonds.
Other significant portions of Colin’s practice include port authority common bond fund financing and the negotiation, implementation and monetization of economic development tools like tax increment financing (TIF), special assessments, community redevelopment area (CRA) abatements and new community authority charges.
For additional ways to contact Colin Kalvas, you can reach his assistant Jackson Fox at 614.227.2342 or by email.
Industries & Practices
The Ohio State University (J.D., summa cum laude, 2014); Order of the Coif; Order of the Barristers; Articles Editor, Ohio State Law Journal
The Ohio State University, (B.A., magna cum laude, 2011)
Professional Activities
Board of Trustees, Columbus Children's Theatre
Resource Centers
Blog Posts
Presentations & Publications
Speaking Engagements
Additional Items
- Co-Speaker, "EPAD/PACE Program Breakout Session," KAED Conference (April 2024)
- Speaker, “PACE Financing Trends and Best Practices,” Council of Development Finance Agencies, National Development Finance Summit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (November 2023)
- Speaker, “Lead, Guide, and Manage an Energy Efficiency Program,” Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, 2023 Sustainability Conference, Virtual (September 2023)
- Speaker, “Advancement of C-PACE Programs,” PACENation, Annual Summit, New York, New York (June 2023)
- Speaker, “Building Financing for Ohio's Infrastructure,” Council of Development Finance Agencies, Ohio Financing Roundtable, Columbus, Ohio (September 2022)
- Speaker, “Downtown Revitalization,” Ohio Municipal League, Virtual (September 2022)
- Speaker, “Economic Development,” Ohio Municipal League, New Council Training, Virtual (March 2022)
- Speaker, “Interparty Issues in a Financing,” PACENation, Annual Summit, Virtual (June 2021)
- Speaker, “Financing Rural Healthcare,” Council of Development Finance Agencies, Virtual (June 2020)
Outside The Office
Colin is motivated to help people, conquer tough challenges, and start new ventures. Or at least that’s what a recent leadership analysis reported about him.
“I probably wouldn’t say that about myself, but if I think about it, it seems close to the mark,” agrees Colin. He elaborates, “I think investing in people is the one investment that actually lasts.” Colin is a lifetime learner, and his excitement for learning boils over into a passion for teaching and advising others. Whether that’s advising a client, teaching a less experienced attorney, or discovering new things with his three daughters, Colin draws energy from coming alongside others and helping them grow.
“I’m definitely not afraid of a challenge; in fact, people in my life sometimes make fun of me for doing things ‘the hard way,’” Colin continues. “I value efficiency, but sometimes plain effort is what’s required, and I am not afraid of giving it my all,” he adds. Colin works hard to make sure that clients’ expectations are met. He is often involved in new and complex transactions that require diligent effort to understand the issues and execute the vision. In his personal life Colin takes on challenges in exercising, hiking, home improvement projects, and service projects.
Colin also has a strategic and entrepreneurial side. He enjoys blazing new trails and big picture thinking. Clients and colleagues appreciate Colin’s ability to both envision where things need to go and plan how to get there.
But things aren’t all introspective and serious for Colin. He carefully crafts Spotify playlists, passionately follows Cleveland and Ohio State sports, and enjoys hosting people for homemade pizzas in his pizza oven. He’s originally from the Cleveland area. Now he lives near Columbus with his wife and three daughters.

- Member, National Association of Bond Lawyers