Bricker Graydon serves port authorities and development finance agencies from the start-up stage through maturity across their stages and service offerings. We have earned the trust of both new and small port authorities and mature and large port authorities, giving us a leading port authority practice group.
We have broad and deep experience forming port authorities, serving as general counsel to port authorities, and advising port authorities on specific topics, such as open meetings, public records, public ethics, conflicts of interest, labor and employment, litigation, tax, procurement, construction, environmental law, economic development, real estate, development finance, public finance, and proprietary activities (such as airport, seaport, and industrial park activities). In addition, we frequently advise on port authority-related legislation.
Port authorities often call on us for our experience as trusted public finance counsel. We frequently serve as port authority counsel, issuer’s counsel, and bond counsel on financing transactions. In those roles, we advise port authorities on capital lease financings, incentive financing, credit-enhanced common bond fund financing, and a range of taxable and tax-exempt bond structures. Port authorities trust Bricker Graydon for our advice on state, contract, securities, and tax law issues related to their financing activities.
- office 614.227.2384
- office 614.227.8897
- office 614.227.4998
- office 614.227.2308