Clients typically prefer to avoid litigation, but a team knowledgeable about the health care industry is optimal when it is needed. Each health care-related litigation case is unique and demands a customized approach. Whether the situation calls for an aggressive motions practice, mediation, arbitration, or trial by jury, our seasoned attorneys are well-equipped to strategize and execute our clients' most effective legal solutions. We are committed to helping health care organizations avoid unnecessary litigation, minimize risks when litigation is inevitable, and preserve valuable relationships.
Our litigation experience for health care organizations includes (but is not limited to):
Commercial Business and Individual Disputes
Breach of contract, enforcement of contracts, non-competes, wrongful terminations, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, trademark or copyright infringement, and other actions taken against or by health care organizations benefit from our experience and industry knowledge.
Medical Negligence & Wrongful Death
Our health care litigators handle cases involving medical negligence, wrongful death, and birth trauma claims. We bring a wealth of experience representing hospitals, nurses, physicians, and other health care providers in mediations, the Supreme Court of Ohio, appellate courts, and jury trials.
Administrative Hearings and Appeals
We have extensive experience operating within the State of Ohio administrative hearings and appeals process and have appeared before most state boards and agencies. We also have experience with federal administrative hearings and appeals.
Amicus Curiae Representation
With our in-depth knowledge and experience, we are often sought after to file amicus curiae briefs on behalf of healthcare providers, trade organizations, or other stakeholders. Our commitment to the healthcare community extends beyond individual cases, as we actively contribute to shaping legal precedents.
False Claims Act Defense
We represent clients at the state and federal level in various Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse cases. In addition, our False Claims Act team works with health care organizations to conduct compliance audits and internal investigations designed to reduce the likelihood of a violation.
Class Actions
Our team has experience managing the propriety of class action formation and the defense of class action litigation.
Receiverships and Creditors’ Right Actions
When business relationships go wrong for any reason and rights need to be asserted or protected, we have litigators who can protect the assets, the business, and/or the parties, including receiverships, obtaining and enforcing judgments, bankruptcy proceedings, and other actions.
White Collar Defense & Investigations
Our seasoned litigators have experience with white collar defense and investigations to assert our client’s rights aggressively during any investigation – and, if necessary, to vigorously prosecute criminal complaints or collateral civil actions.
- office 614.227.2394
- office 513.629.2805
- office 614.227.2319
- office 614.227.2307
- office 513.629.2792
- office 513.629.2812
- office 513.629.2747