In a major victory for Dr. Seuss, The Ninth Circuit Court rules against fair use
“Oh the Places You’ll Go” is a Dr. Seuss treasure
A book that’s given so many much pleasure
It’s a book that’s about anticipation
And a popular gift for graduation
But some copyright pirates let it be known
They’d be treating the book like it was their own
In a book called “Oh the Places You’ll Boldly Go”
They took Dr. Seuss’ stuff, without paying him dough
They took his ideas, his words and his art
They may have been clever, but they weren’t very smart
“Fair Use!” they exclaimed as their chief defense
But they soon would learn that didn’t make sense
While the new book may have been informative
There wasn’t much in it very transformative
If you copy content and just add some new stuff
A fair use defense is going to be rough
If the new work offers no new meaning,
Defendant is in for a legal beaning
And the other way that these folks were jerks,
They cut in on Seuess’s derivative works
Dr. Seuss had the right to adapt his creation
Free of this copyright violation
The defendants may file a petition for cert
It’s the only way they’ll got over their hurt
But this one is one the Supreme Court might toss
So defendants are stuck with this copyright loss
So I hope my facts aren’t fast or loose
But if you pick a fight, don’t pick one with Seuss!
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