Highlighted Publications
- Article“O-H!” “I-N-C!”
- AlertMajor CTA Reporting Update: FinCEN Pauses Enforcement, Treasury Clarifies Scope
- ArticleU.S. Department of Education releases FAQ for February 14th Dear Colleague Letter
- ArticleThe CTA is Back in Play, with a Slight Extension
- ArticleOhio Senate Unveils Energy Legislation: Key Differences Between S.B. 2 and H.B. 15
- ArticleOhio House Bill 315 Summary
- IRS issues initial guidance to curb political activity by 501(c)(4) organizationsArticle
- Preliminary Injunction Granted in Case Challenging New Petition Circulator LawsArticle
- Department of Justice Announces Health Care False Claims Act SettlementsArticle
- Ohio Ballot Board Approves Green Energy Amendment Issue to Collect Signatures for the November 2014 BallotArticle
- National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners holds 125th Annual MeetingArticle
- Tax Overpayments — Whose Money Is It?Article
- Stammco: A Primer on the New Era of the Ohio Class ActionArticle
- Ohio's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Laws: The Evolution of Sub. S.B. 58Article
- Commission Approves Stipulation and Duke Energy’s Request to Recover Environmental Remediation CostsArticle
- The Ohio House Passes H.B. 5Article
- New Ethics Rule Clarifies Payment of Travel ExpensesArticle
- Health Management Associates Repays CMS $31 MillionArticle
- CMS Issues Additional Guidance on "Two-Midnight" RuleArticle
- SEC fines municipal issuer for misleading investorsArticle
- CAFA’s Amount in Controversy Requirement Causes Plaintiff to Fall on Her Own SwordArticle
- IRS modifies the “use-it-or-lose-it” rule for health flexible spending arrangementsArticle
- Substitute Version of House Bill 5 AcceptedArticle
- Ohio’s Alcoholic Beverages Franchise Act: Nothing watered down about a successor manufacturer’s right to terminate a franchise agreementArticle
- U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Greenhouse Gas AppealsArticle
- New Substitute Bill on Municipal Tax Simplification UnveiledArticle
- Lawsuit Challenging Medicaid Expansion Filed in Ohio Supreme CourtArticle
- Controlling Board authorizes expanded Ohio Medicaid program and challenge filed in Ohio Supreme CourtArticle
- Ohio Joint Legislative Ethics Commission Issues Memo on Lobbyist Expenditures and Reporting RequirementsArticle
- With Federal Funding Comes Risk: Liability and Criminal Charges in School Related Cases - Violations Can Lead to Treble Damages, Penalties and Jail TimeArticle
- Top 10 Questions About Political Activity in the Corporate WorkplaceArticle
- Ohio Department of Taxation Directs Same-Sex Couples How to File Income Tax ReturnsArticle
- The Tuomey Saga – The Latest ChapterArticle
- Hatch Act Now Allows Most Public Employees to Seek Political OfficeArticle
- Ohio Minimum Wage Increases by $.10, Effective January 1, 2014Article
- An Environmental Class Action Complaint: Bell v. Cheswick Generating StationArticle
- ACA Update - Delay in Implementation Does Not Mean Employers Can Delay PreparationArticle
- Legal Same-Sex Marriages Recognized for Federal Tax PurposesArticle
- Demand Response reaches all-time high in PJMArticle
- Tenth District Court of Appeals court decision represents victory for municipalities of regulation of nutrient pollutionArticle
- Claims, Public Records and the Work Product ExceptionArticle
- Subcontractor default insurance: A cautionary taleArticle
- Ohio AG: A Person may Simultaneously Serve as County Engineer and Member of the Board of Directors of a Conservancy District in that CountyArticle
- Sub. S.B. 58 Proposes Significant Changes to Both Ohio's Renewable Portfolio Standards and Energy Efficiency RequirementsArticle
- CMS Delays Review of “Two-Midnight” RuleArticle
- No Rest for the Weary: The Feds Have Been Busy Fighting Health Care Fraud!Article
- Does the Wartime Suspension of Limitations Act Spell the Doom of the Statute of Limitations Defense?Article
- A Sole Shareholder Rolls the Dice and Loses BigArticle
- A Political Action Committee? We’re Just a Few Concerned Citizens!Article
- Duke Energy Seeks PUCO Approval for Energy Efficiency and Demand Management Programs, Including CHPArticle
- Bipartisan energy efficiency bill arrives to U.S. Senate floorArticle
- Department of Labor Issues Guidance on Definitions of “Spouse” and “Marriage” Following DOMA DecisionArticle
- Medicaid Expansion Group Reaches Next Step in Initiated Statute ProcessArticle
- The Check's Not All You Have to Sign: Filing Requirements for Corporate Contributors to Ballot Issue CampaignsArticle
- A New Breed of Whistleblower? Consulting Company Turns in its Own Health Care Client for Alleged False ClaimsArticle
- CMS Implements New Conditions for Payments Related to Inpatient Hospital AdmissionsArticle
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