Highlighted Publications
- Article“O-H!” “I-N-C!”
- AlertMajor CTA Reporting Update: FinCEN Pauses Enforcement, Treasury Clarifies Scope
- ArticleU.S. Department of Education releases FAQ for February 14th Dear Colleague Letter
- ArticleThe CTA is Back in Play, with a Slight Extension
- ArticleOhio Senate Unveils Energy Legislation: Key Differences Between S.B. 2 and H.B. 15
- ArticleOhio House Bill 315 Summary
- Bipartisan energy efficiency bills gain traction in both the U.S. House and SenateArticle
- A tale of two pizza makersArticle
- E-cigarette bill passes in OhioArticle
- CMS issues guidance on the probe and educate audits performed under the "two-midnight" ruleArticle
- Could this be you? Blanket policies requiring medical certification for intermittent leave may violate the FMLAArticle
- Performance and payment bonds: Less is moreArticle
- County engineer not liable for damage relating to drainage projectArticle
- OIG releases its 2014 work planArticle
- HHS issues guidance on HIPAA and sharing information related to mental healthArticle
- Meaningful and true – Former hospital executive faces criminal indictment for false meaningful use attestationArticle
- Ohio law changed to permit advanced practice nurses and physician assistants to admit patients to hospitals under certain conditionsArticle
- Recent False Claims settlement should serve as important reminder to all hospitalsArticle
- Impact of the solvent wipe rule in OhioArticle
- Annual breach reporting deadline March 1Article
- CMS extends EHR incentive program attestation deadlineArticle
- Annual expenditure limitations and lobbyist bundling disclosure threshold publishedArticle
- Significant demand response activity at PJM in JanuaryArticle
- CMS delays review of “two-midnight” rule until after September 30, 2014Article
- With the support of the American Hospital Association, hospitals initiate a challenge to the “two-midnight” ruleArticle
- Could this be you? Avoiding workers’ compensation claims from weather-related slips and fallsArticle
- Federal Court holds that a physician is considered an “employee” for purposes of the EMTALA whistleblower protectionArticle
- Ohio State Medical Board issues new rules on terminating the physician-patient relationship and notifying patients when a physician leaves a practiceArticle
- Ballot issues as economic investment toolsArticle
- All children’s hospital system in Florida fights stark and False Claims allegationsArticle
- Assignment of requests for administrative law judge hearings of denied Medicare claims suspended for at least two yearsArticle
- SEC drops corporate political activity regulationsArticle
- Public employers: New annual report due to OPERS by January 31, 2014Article
- Municipal electric and natural gas aggregation — a win-win for municipalities and residentsArticle
- A look at new vehicles for renewable energy project financing: MLPs, REITs and CrowdfundingArticle
- Unilateral implementation of new evaluation policy not an unfair labor practiceArticle
- The ABCs of PPAsArticle
- Important pipeline decisions from FERCArticle
- Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds key provisions of Act 13 unconstitutionalArticle
- 2013 year in review and 2014 forecastArticle
- Ohio S.B. 221: A summary of its advanced energy and energy efficiency provisions - updated January 2014Article
- Ohio law revised to allow greater access to medical information under a durable power of attorney for health careArticle
- IRS issues new procedures for reinstating tax-exempt status of organizations that failed to file returns for three consecutive yearsArticle
- OIG and CMS extend EHR donation exceptions even longer than proposed and add other changesArticle
- New Law Requires Surgeons Performing Mastectomies in a Hospital to Follow Specific Guidance and Referral StandardsArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court Upholds the Controlling Board's Medicaid ExpansionArticle
- The Impact of Medicare’s "Two-Midnight" RuleArticle
- Could This Be You?
Administering FMLA Leave Request after Section 3 of DOMA Declared UnconstitutionalArticle - Ohio AG Report Highlights Importance of Economic Development Incentive ComplianceArticle
- Recent FERC Orders Bolster Energy StorageArticle
- San Diego Dad Awarded $2.8M for Release of Son to Mom’s BoyfriendArticle
- Meaningful Use Deadline Extended One YearArticle
- Amendment to the Sunshine Law Permits Economic Development Executive SessionsArticle
- Tea Party Bid to Avoid Disclosing Political Contributors FailsArticle
- OIG Finds OCR Lacking in Oversight and Enforcement of HIPAA Security RuleArticle
- CMS Announces Increased Provider Enrollment Fee for 2014Article
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