Highlighted Publications
- Article“O-H!” “I-N-C!”
- AlertMajor CTA Reporting Update: FinCEN Pauses Enforcement, Treasury Clarifies Scope
- ArticleU.S. Department of Education releases FAQ for February 14th Dear Colleague Letter
- ArticleThe CTA is Back in Play, with a Slight Extension
- ArticleOhio Senate Unveils Energy Legislation: Key Differences Between S.B. 2 and H.B. 15
- ArticleOhio House Bill 315 Summary
- Seventh anniversary of Citizens United v. Federal Election CommissionArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court adopts new judicial contribution limitsArticle
- Top 5 enforcement trends from 2016Article
- Scam PACsArticle
- 2016 lame duck summary and 2017 budget previewArticle
- 21st Century Cures Act: Relief for small employersArticle
- 2016 False Claims Act cases result in over $4.7 billion in recovery for Department of JusticeArticle
- Post-election unrest: Balancing the rights of all studentsArticle
- When will the new salary level rule go into effect?Article
- Governor Kasich signs bill expanding Ohio’s concealed carry lawsArticle
- Know the rules: Vacating an arbitration awardArticle
- "Cooling off” may encourage successful resolutionArticle
- No fraud exception to confidentiality in mediationArticle
- Mediation should always be attemptedArticle
- Ohio governor considering bring your gun to work billArticle
- Micro hospital fails to meet the definition of a hospital for Medicare enrollmentArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court closes loophole barring concurrent payments to injured workersArticle
- Senate passes 21st Century Cures Act – Provider-based mid-build exception one step closerArticle
- Consequences of First Energy’s Electric Security Plan rehearing decisionArticle
- 2017 OPPS final rule – Generally good news for providers regarding provider-based locationsArticle
- Notice 2016-70: Unexpected (but limited) ACA reporting reliefArticle
- Holiday gift guide for companies and public officialsArticle
- What do President-Elect Trump’s HHS and CMS picks mean for health care reform?Article
- Ohio Imposes Tax on Online RetailersNewsletter
- New overtime regulations halted by eleventh-hour federal court decisionArticle
- Plenty of activity in the health care false claims arenaArticle
- Opportunity to participate in property tax valuation appealsArticle
- 2017 OIG Work Plan summaryArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court upholds economic nexus standardArticle
- Election results are in: What should employers expect next?Article
- Ohio case protects political subdivisions’ general immunity when facing claims for purely economic damagesArticle
- Airbnb Takes a Hit in San FranciscoNewsletter
- Assessing the impact of the election on health care reformArticle
- Little-known provision in military leave law can spell trouble for unwary employersArticle
- 2016 post-general election updateArticle
- 2017 OPPS final rule – Site-neutral payments for new off campus provider-based departmentsArticle
- Political activity on school property: What legal restrictions apply?Article
- 2017 OPPS final rule – Meaningful Use rulesArticle
- CMS awards next round of RAC contractsArticle
- New initiative from CMS to reduce medical record review for clinicians participating in certain Advanced Alternative Payment ModelsArticle
- Did you know? CMS has offered to resume Medicare appeals settlementsArticle
- Online Reviews v. Reputation Management - The Battle Rages OnNewsletter
- OCR requires policy to be followed for respondent in Title IX processArticle
- Registries seeking to join CMS Repository for public health data must apply by October 31Article
- CMS announces additional opportunities for clinicians to qualify as Advanced APMs under MACRAArticle
- Federal court issues injunction against USDOE transgender policyArticle
- The effect of the Windfall Elimination Provision on district employeesArticle
- OCR releases HIPAA guidance on cloud computing servicesArticle
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