Highlighted Publications
- Article“O-H!” “I-N-C!”
- AlertMajor CTA Reporting Update: FinCEN Pauses Enforcement, Treasury Clarifies Scope
- ArticleU.S. Department of Education releases FAQ for February 14th Dear Colleague Letter
- ArticleThe CTA is Back in Play, with a Slight Extension
- ArticleOhio Senate Unveils Energy Legislation: Key Differences Between S.B. 2 and H.B. 15
- ArticleOhio House Bill 315 Summary
- Federal district court sanctions CFPB for violations of discovery ordersArticle
- FTC Dragnet, Pepe the Frog and Copyright Law PrevailNewsletter
- Could this be you? "Workplace" injuries filed after a holiday weekendArticle
- After Charlottesville: Creating inclusive environments and avoiding employment claimsArticle
- Love dogs? Don’t forget about employees’ safety!Article
- Revocation 2017-31014: First revocation for failure to comply with Section 501(r)Article
- The intersection of FERPA and HIPAAArticle
- Pending legislation would revise Ohio TIF law, require township compensation under certain TIF arrangementsArticle
- Hospice in the government’s cross-hairsArticle
- Student attendance and custody issuesArticle
- Student transcripts notations: What do you say? Considerations for private institutions in OhioArticle
- The BWC wants to give your company $6,000!Article
- Ohio competitive bidding thresholds: Public school threshold increased to $50,000Article
- HRSA announces 340B information system outage beginning August 15Article
- Court allows multiple redactions from W-2s sought by unionArticle
- Human subject protections in clinical research: Monitoring compliance with the Common RuleArticle
- State-fund employers: True-up by August 15!Article
- For CY 2018, Meaningful Use reporting period is once again 90 daysArticle
- The ABCs of solar PPAs for public sector entitiesArticle
- National Health Care Fraud Takedown charges more than 400 defendants with $1.3 billion in false billingsArticle
- Kentucky court allows on-site inspection of electronic medical records in malpractice caseArticle
- AG issues advisory opinion regarding CNPs and acute care practiceArticle
- Hospital fined nearly $1.3 million for multiple EMTALA violations involving psychiatric patientsArticle
- Court holds Ohio wind farm’s bird data is confidentialArticle
- TJC revises pain assessment and management requirements for accredited hospitalsArticle
- Recent cases spotlight research misconduct in clinical researchArticle
- ODH establishes new requirements for medical directors of adult cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery servicesArticle
- H.B. 49 FY18-19 biennium budget overviewArticle
- As technology advances, laws governing online political advertising remain the sameArticle
- U.S. Supreme Court acts on two significant Ohio casesArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court OK’s book bag search ruleArticle
- PUCO seeks appointment of receiver for Youngstown ThermalArticle
- City of Columbus contribution reporting requirementsArticle
- Website accessibility: Does your company's website violate the ADA?Article
- eClinicalWorks to pay $155 million for misrepresenting its Meaningful Use certification and making kickback paymentsArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court validates use of ratepayer funds for pollution clean upArticle
- Biennial budget passed in both Ohio chambersArticle
- The PUCO determines it will police the prices of submetering companiesArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court rejects “quantity of charity care” argument in property tax exemption caseArticle
- Ever ask what style your mediator uses?Article
- CMS revises process and forms for reporting Stark Law violationsArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court affirms Fourth District Court of Appeals, holds that lease did not terminate after energy companies failed to pay minimum annual rental feesArticle
- Franklin County judge grants municipalities’ motion for partial summary judgment on “one-subject” issue in Sub. S. B. 331 litigationArticle
- The consequences of “gun jumping” in mergers and acquisitionsArticle
- Patent troll calculus changes following U.S. Supreme Court venue decisionArticle
- Accreditation changes may cause trouble for hospital-based sleep centersArticle
- Ohio takes steps to limit prescription of opiates for acute painArticle
- How much obscenity is too much for an employer to bear?Article
- First federal court finds collection of documents meets Stark Law writing requirementArticle
- HIPAA enforcement actions highlight importance of maintaining and auditing security practicesArticle
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