Highlighted Publications
- ArticleOhio's New Village Dissolution Process: Key Provisions and Implications of House Bill 331
- AlertTitle IX Quick Hits for K-12
- AlertStop Campus Hazing Act Signed by President Biden
- Alert2024 Title IX Regulations Vacated by Federal Court
- ArticleThe CTA is Back in Play, with a Slight Extension
- External PublicationFamily Law Simplified: Practical Insights from 'Cocktail Party Law'
- Could this be you? Don’t invite injuries to your holiday partyArticle
- The PUCO adopts net metering rulesArticle
- Keeping “PACE” with energy technology in school districtsArticle
- ACA employer mandate penalty letters are on the wayArticle
- Annual deadline to seek new property tax exemption approachesArticle
- Tax reform update: H.R. 1 proposes significant limits on municipal bondsArticle
- Qualified energy project exemptions: New DSA regulationsArticle
- 2017 Ohio election updateArticle
- Ohio federal court decides that Ohio would apply “at the well” rule in oil and gas royalty disputeArticle
- DOJ announces FCA enforcement priorities at HCCA conferenceArticle
- CMS cuts CY 2018 payment rates to non-excepted off-campus provider-based departmentsArticle
- TCPA: Not all leads are created equalArticle
- CMS finalizes massive cuts to the 340B Program: Hospital associations plan legal challengesArticle
- Largest-ever False Claims Act settlement with hospice providerArticle
- Trick-or-Treat safety!Article
- DOL announces plans for new overtime rulemakingArticle
- Federal PAC registration rules for Ohio activityArticle
- Takeaways from the 2017 Solar Power Midwest Conference for the Ohio Solar SectorArticle
- Sunshine Synopsis: Police issuesArticle
- Did I just lobby?Article
- Cardiology practice settles 60-Day Overpayment case under the False Claims Act for double damagesArticle
- BWC reports that $10 Million in rebates haven’t been cashedArticle
- Human subject protections in clinical research: OHRP and whistle blower protectionsArticle
- Using recordings as part of your meeting minutesArticle
- The Department of Justice reverses its position on transgender discriminationArticle
- Minimum wage in Ohio to increase January 1, 2018Article
- Does fixed mean fixed? The PUCO stays its fixed-means-fixed guidelinesArticle
- BWC: Big win for Ohio employers in the Supreme Court!Article
- Summit and Franklin County judges split on “Single Subject Rule” violation in Sub. S.B. 331 litigationArticle
- Tangling with the EPA: How to handle a notice of violationArticle
- New Title IX guidance: A quick look at K-12 impactArticle
- Ohio apology statute covers admissions of faultArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court accepts ‘petroleum’ decision for reviewArticle
- BWC changes statute of limitations for filing claims…and MORE!Article
- Employers awarded $375,000 from BWC safety grantsArticle
- Federal district court sanctions CFPB for violations of discovery ordersArticle
- FTC Dragnet, Pepe the Frog and Copyright Law PrevailNewsletter
- Could this be you? "Workplace" injuries filed after a holiday weekendArticle
- After Charlottesville: Creating inclusive environments and avoiding employment claimsArticle
- Love dogs? Don’t forget about employees’ safety!Article
- Revocation 2017-31014: First revocation for failure to comply with Section 501(r)Article
- The intersection of FERPA and HIPAAArticle
- Pending legislation would revise Ohio TIF law, require township compensation under certain TIF arrangementsArticle
- Hospice in the government’s cross-hairsArticle
- Student attendance and custody issuesArticle
- Student transcripts notations: What do you say? Considerations for private institutions in OhioArticle
- The BWC wants to give your company $6,000!Article
- Ohio competitive bidding thresholds: Public school threshold increased to $50,000Article
- HRSA announces 340B information system outage beginning August 15Article
- Court allows multiple redactions from W-2s sought by unionArticle
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