Highlighted Publications
- Article“O-H!” “I-N-C!”
- AlertMajor CTA Reporting Update: FinCEN Pauses Enforcement, Treasury Clarifies Scope
- ArticleU.S. Department of Education releases FAQ for February 14th Dear Colleague Letter
- ArticleThe CTA is Back in Play, with a Slight Extension
- ArticleOhio Senate Unveils Energy Legislation: Key Differences Between S.B. 2 and H.B. 15
- ArticleOhio House Bill 315 Summary
- An overview of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act for public employersArticle
- COVID-19 Update: President signs Families First Coronavirus Response ActArticle
- Disaster loans now available to Ohio’s small businessesArticle
- Examining the defense of impracticability: Does the COVID-19 pandemic qualify as an “unforeseen event” that could render a UCC contract impractical?Article
- COVID-19 Update: OMHAS issues emergency telemedicine ruleArticle
- COVID-19 Update: ODM issues emergency telemedicine ruleArticle
- How OSHA and the BWC recommend employers manage COVID-19 and the need for personal protective equipment in the workplaceArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Ohio Pharmacy Board issues guidance regarding practice of pharmacyArticle
- HUD/FHFA announce details of foreclosure and eviction moratoriumArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Extending Medical Staff appointment/privilege periods during the coronavirus outbreakArticle
- COVID-19 Update: FDA announces policies to increase availability of coronavirus testingArticle
- Workers’ compensation implications of COVID-19 for employersArticle
- County recorders’ offices across Ohio are limiting hours/closing to the publicArticle
- Online filings with the Ohio Secretary of State are experiencing delaysArticle
- COVID-19 Update: President Trump expands Medicare telehealth benefits during coronavirus outbreakArticle
- PUCO provides guidance in light of declared state of emergencyArticle
- Utilities temporarily halt disconnectionsArticle
- PUCO suspends in-person filingsArticle
- Coronavirus and its impact on Ohio's primary electionArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Telehealth – waiver of HIPAA requirements and expanded flexibilityArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Governor DeWine asks all employers to take employees’ temperatures every dayArticle
- Want to Help Ohio Breweries During the Coronavirus Shutdown? Buy Growlers.Article
- COVID-19 in Ohio: A government relations updateArticle
- COVID-19 Update: HHS issues limited 72-hour HIPAA waiver for hospitalsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: HHS issues EMTALA waiver for actions necessitated by COVID-19Article
- COVID-19: OSHA issues employer guidanceArticle
- Cuyahoga County courts and others adopt new business continuity proceduresArticle
- Force majeure provisions: Dusting off a law school exam topic for the COVID-19 pandemicArticle
- Update on FERPA and the 2020 Census for college/university student housing administratorsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: U.S. Department of Education issues Title IV guidanceArticle
- COVID-19 Update: What the president’s declaration of national emergency means for health care facilitiesArticle
- Ohio offers employers relief for COVID-19 related work disruptionsArticle
- Industrial Commission hearings during the COVID-19 pandemicArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OMHAS issues guidance for opioid treatment programsArticle
- Bankruptcy court announces new procedures in response to the COVID-19 pandemicArticle
- What to Know About Ohio Restaurant and Bar ClosingsArticle
- Legal considerations related to Ohio’s school closureArticle
- COVID-19 developments in employee medical insuranceArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Preparedness for long-term care facilitiesArticle
- Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana: What's the Status on Marijuana Legalization?Article
- COVID-19 Update: Survey suspension FAQsArticle
- Ohio public school (K-12) guidance for coronavirus with Q&AArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Ohio confirms first casesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS issues EMTALA guidanceArticle
- COVID-19 and spring break travel: Maintaining a healthy workplaceArticle
- HHS releases final rules on interoperability and information blockingArticle
- Ohio Department of Agriculture now accepting applications for hemp licensesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Reimbursement issues – Who is picking up the tab for coronavirus testing?Article
- CMS announces actions to address the spread of COVID-19Article
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