Could this be you? How transitional work programs and light-duty offers can save your business time and money
Your employee trips over a pallet in his path and sprains his ankle. As the employer, you graciously accept the workers' compensation claim for the sprain, pay for the treatment he needs and eagerly anticipate his return to work. Then, weeks and months go by and he has not returned to work. Why? Because he is telling his doctor he is not 100 percent recovered and as a result, his doctor has not lifted his restrictions. This is a scenario we see all too often – what should have been a simple sprain lingers on and on, holding up your daily business operations because you are down an employee.
FACT: The more time your employee spends away from work, the less likely it is he will return to work.
FACT: Indirect costs to the employer for a lost-time, work-related injury is four times greater than any direct claim expense.
These indirect costs include: decreased productivity; increased workers’ compensation costs; increased legal costs; hiring and training expenses or temp services expenses; overtime for other employees; and decreased morale amongst other employees.
So what can an employer do in this situation?
One of the biggest opportunities missed by employers is the use of transitional work programs and light-duty offers. Returning an injured worker to the job as soon as safely possible before the worker is 100 percent recovered lowers the risk of the costs and expenses outlined above. It’s a guaranteed return on your human resources investment and your most valuable asset – your employees.
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