Bricker attorneys listed by Super Lawyers for 2020
The 2020 Super Lawyers list of outstanding lawyers
Super Lawyers is an annual, state-by-state ranking of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. Attorneys are selected using a rigorous, multiphase rating process that combines peer nominations and evaluations with independent research. Twelve indicators are used to highlight the elite performers in each practice area. The Super Lawyers designation was established to create a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of outstanding attorneys and is used as a resource for both attorneys and consumers searching for legal counsel.
Bricker's 2020 Super
Ohio Super Lawyers – Cincinnati
Catherine T.
Jeffrey P. McSherry (Business Litigation; Transportation/Maritime; Construction Litigation: Business; Insurance Coverage)
Ohio Super Lawyers – Cleveland
Glenn S.
Ohio Super Lawyers – Columbus
Laura G. Anthony (Schools & Education)
Maria J. Armstrong (Government Relations; Lobbying; Energy & Natural Resources; Utilities)
Brad E. Bennett (Employment & Labor: Employer; Employment Litigation: Defense)
Drew H. Campbell (Business Litigation; Class Action/Mass Torts: Defense)
Robert T. Castor (Banking; Real Estate: Business)
William T. Conard, II (Government Finance; Tax: Business; Securities & Corporate Finance; State, Local & Municipal)
James F. Flynn (Health Care)
Marie-Joëlle C.
Quintin F.
Charles H. McCreary, III (Real Estate: Business)
Jack R. Rosati, Jr.
Anne Marie Sferra (Appellate; General Litigation; Insurance Coverage)
Sommer L. Sheely (Business Litigation; Estate & Trust Litigation; Environmental Litigation)
Douglas L.
Bobbie S.
Super Lawyers also recognizes Rising Stars, top up-and-coming attorneys who are 40 years old or younger or have been practicing for 10 years or less. Bricker’s 2020 Rising Star honorees include:
Ohio Super Lawyers Rising Stars – Barnesville
Aaron M. Bruggeman (Energy & Natural Resources
Ohio Super Lawyers Rising Stars – Columbus
Elyse H. Akhbari (Environmental)*
John Caleb Bell (Government Finance)
Dylan F. Borchers (Energy & Natural Resources)
Laura J. Bowman (Construction Litigation)*
Melissa M. Carleton (Schools & Education)
Daniel C. Gibson (Appellate; Civil Litigation: Defense; Class Action/Mass Torts: Defense)
Kara H. Herrnstein (Business Litigation)
Rachel Lusk Stine (Real Estate: Business)
Matthew W. Warnock (Energy & Natural Resources; Utilities)
*denotes newly-listed attorneys
Attorneys who receive the highest point totals during this selection process are further recognized in Super Lawyers “Top Lists.” The following Bricker & Eckler attorneys have been named to 2020 Top Lists for Ohio:
Ohio Super Lawyers – Top 25: Women Columbus
Marie-Joëlle C. Khouzam
Anne Marie Sferra
Sommer L. Sheely
Ohio Super Lawyers – Top 50: Columbus
Anne Marie Sferra
Ohio Super Lawyers – Top 50: Women
Anne Marie Sferra
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