Uniting for Action: A Discussion About Collaborative, Public Finance-based Solutions for Increasing Housing in the Mahoning Valley
The Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County
This event is free.
Speakers from Ohio REALTORS, the County Commissioners Association of Ohio, Bricker Graydon LLP, and the public and private sectors will share insights on successful public-private partnership models involving public finance tools to help solve housing inventory issues. This session marks the continuation of ongoing housing-related dialogue in the Mahoning Valley, recognizing that finding public finance solutions are critical to solving the riddle of how to get housing units renovated or constructed.
9:00 - 9:30 AM: Breakfast/Registration/Networking
9:30 AM: Presentations
Mahoning County Commissioners:
Commissioner Geno DiFabio
Commissioner Carol Rimedio-Righetti
Commissioner Anthony Traficanti
- Tricia D’Avignon, AICP, Regional Planner, Eastgate Regional Council of Governments
- Veronica Cardello, Ohio REALTORS, Asst. VP, External Engagement, Ohio REALTORS
- Youngstown Association of REALTORS
10:00 AM: Panel
- Moderator: Jeffry Harris, Partner, Bricker Graydon LLP
- Alexa Sweeney Blackann, Interim CEO, Lake to River Economic Development
Housing Developer TBD
- Debora Flora, Executive Director, Mahoning County Land Bank
- Ian Beniston, Executive Director, Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation
- Jacquelin Lewis, Partner, Bricker Graydon LLP
10:45 AM: Q&A
11:00 AM: Adjourn
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