Political Activity in a Nonprofit World
Washington Plaza Hotel
10 Thomas Circle NW
Washington, DC 20005
Is your organization lobbying? Should your organization create a PAC? Are you crossing the line if a political candidate comes to your organization for a tour?
Join Bricker & Eckler LLP for this free seminar so you can find out everything you need to know to manage this political season, as well as help you prepare for future political seasons.
Featuring Maria Armstrong, partner in Bricker & Eckler’s Government Relations Practice Group, and Jerry Allen, chair of our Nonprofit and Social Enterprise Industry Group. In addition, the seminar will include a panel discussion with E.J. Thomas, CEO of Habitat for Humanity as well as others from the nonprofit industry who will share their perspective on political activity in a nonprofit world.
Topics to be covered include:
- Defining what constitutes prohibited political activities and what activities are permissible for employers and their employees
- How PACs may be used by nonprofits
- What constitutes lobbying activities and what activities are permissible for the nonprofit and its employees
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m
Location: 100 South Third Street, Columbus Ohio 43215
Cost: Free
There is no cost to attend and breakfast will be provided. Seating is limited, so please respond no later than September 21. To register, e-mail dkirkpatrick@bricker.com or call 800.844.5292.
Media Contact
- office 513.629.2896