Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education (OACTE) 2018 Connections to Education Conference
Hilton Columbus at Easton
3900 Chagrin Dr.
Columbus, Ohio 43219
Tuesday, July 24
"The State of Civil Rights"
2:45-3:45 p.m.
Bricker attorneys Melissa Carleton and Katy Osborn will provide a review of recent guidance and other legal developments regarding Title IX and other civil rights laws under the current Office for Civil Rights.
Wednesday, July 25
"Can Your School Handle a 21st Century Crisis?"
9:15-10:15 a.m.
Bricker attorney Nicole Donovsky will provide lessons from the front lines in an era of high stakes, sexual harassment and social media. Hear how a District's crisis team works together to communicate effectively with the media and the school community, while balancing legal concerns.
"Construction Concerns — Procurement Options and Practical Considerations"
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Bricker attorney Desmond Cullimore will provide a review of construction project delivery methods to renovations or new construction and the practical implications of each option.
"Special Education Legal Update for Career Tech"
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Bricker attorney Susan Geary will provide a special education legal update for career-technical educators including new state and federal requirements and Ohio Department of Education information.