With a deep understanding of the health care industry’s regulatory, policy, and business considerations, we empower our clients to proactively address their business and legal needs and succeed in delivering high quality health care services.
For over 40 years, Bricker Graydon has maintained a broad and varied health care law practice. Our attorneys recognize the importance of deep industry knowledge and customized strategies, whether working with large health systems, community-based hospitals or public hospitals, or with nursing homes and long-term care providers, or with trade associations, or with health information exchanges and other partners to health care providers. We understand not only the legal issues, but the business environment in which these issues arise.
As a group and as individuals, our health care attorneys are highly regarded by clients and peers. Our diverse team has firsthand regulatory, compliance, and clinical experience in the health care industry and includes several individuals who have served as in-house counsel, state agency leaders, practice managers, and practitioners in health care environments.
Who We Represent
- Hospitals and health systems
- Nursing facilities and senior living providers
- Assisted living providers
- Health care trade associations
- Health information exchanges
- Health care providers
- Health care provider networks
- Home health agencies
- Managed care organizations
- Multi-hospital groups
- Foundations and other nonprofit businesses in or near the health care industry
Focus Areas
- Behavioral health provider counseling
- office 614.227.8855
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- office 513.629.2805
- office 614.227.2383
- office 614.227.4931
- office 513.629.2817
- office 614.227.4842
- office 513.629.2770
- office 614.227.2319
- office 513.870.6563
- office 614.227.2307
- office 216.523.5468
- office 614.227.4818
- office 614.227.2311
- office 513.629.2738
- office 937.224.1841
- office 513.629.2792
- office 513.870.6686
- office 513.629.2892
- office 937.535.3949
- office 614.227.2394
- office 614.227.4803
- office 614.227.2333
- office 614.227.2396
- office 614.227.2345
- office 513.629.2824
- office 513.629.2812
- office 614.227.4844
- office 513.629.2832
- Bricker Graydon Welcomes Robin Amicon to Health Care GroupNew Hire
- Bricker Graydon Practice Groups Earn Best Law Firms Designation for 2025Firm News
- Bricker Graydon Attorneys Recognized in Columbus CEO's Top Lawyers of 2024Firm News
- Bricker Graydon Practices and Attorneys Recognized by Chambers USA for 2024Firm News
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- Bricker attorneys recognized for “Best Lawyers” excellenceFirm News
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- Best Lawyers 2022 recognizes 66 Bricker & Eckler attorneysFirm News
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- Flynn recognized as 2020 BTI Client Service All-StarFirm News
- All of Bricker’s strategic industry groups included in 2021 “Best Law Firms” rankingsFirm News
- Best Lawyers 2021 recognizes 74 Bricker & Eckler attorneysFirm News
- Chambers USA includes Bricker practices, attorneys in 2020 rankingsFirm News
- Khouzam lists “top 10 employment law issues in health care” in Columbus Business FirstFirm News
- All of Bricker’s strategic industry groups included in 2020 “Best Law Firms” rankingsFirm News
- Flynn recognized as 2019 BTI Client Service All-StarFirm News
- Bricker & Eckler attorneys earn Best Lawyers 2020 recognitionFirm News
- 2019 Chambers USA rankings highlight Bricker practices, attorneysFirm News
- Bricker recognized in 2019 “Best Law Firms” national and regional rankingsFirm News
- Bricker practices and attorneys included in 2018 Chambers USA rankingsFirm News
- Leadership changes usher in new era in Bricker’s 73-year historyFirm News
- Bricker & Eckler practices and attorneys ranked in Chambers USAFirm News
- What does it take to seal the deal? Mike Gire speaks from experienceFirm News
- Gire named Columbus CEO’s Healthcare Lifetime Achievement FinalistFirm News
- Jim Flynn discusses the future of health care post-ObamacareFirm News
- Bricker & Eckler ranked as the 31st largest health care law firm in the countryFirm News
- Bricker & Eckler practices and attorneys ranked in Chambers USAFirm News
- Jim Flynn featured on “Monitor Mondays” radio show and podcastFirm News
- Jerry Allen quoted in Modern Healthcare magazine regarding Blue Shield and Care1st mergerFirm News
- Jim Flynn talks to Modern Healthcare magazine about charitable hospitalsFirm News
- Webinar | OSHA's COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard–What the Health Care Industry Needs to KnowWebinar
- Webinar: Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Final Rules – Exploring the major changes to fraud and abuse lawsWebinar
- Webinar: Conducting an Effective Compliance InvestigationWebinar
- Webinar: Post-Pandemic Legal Issues for Hospitals and Other Health Care OrganizationsWebinar
- Webinar: Stark Law Blanket Waivers and Anti-Kickback Compliance in a COVID-19 WorldWebinar
- Webinar: Hospice Update - OIG Reports and Enforcement ActionsWebinar
- Webinar: Implications of the dramatic changes in 340B reimbursement beginning January 1, 2018Webinar
- NAMSS 41st Educational Conference & ExhibitionSpeaking Engagement
- ASHRM 2017 Annual ConferenceSpeaking Engagement
- Webinar: Holding Individuals Accountable:The Yates Memo and Recent OIG and DOJ Compliance GuidanceWebinar
- Structuring physician compensation to comply with Stark: How to navigate in turbulent watersWebinar
- The Patient Safety & Quality Improvement Act vs. Ohio's peer review privilegeWebinar
- AI and Healthcare: Decoding the Latest 1557 Non-Discrimination RegulationsArticle
- What Does FTC’s Ban of Non-Competes Mean for Healthcare Non-Profits?Article
- Primer on Inflation Reduction Act Incentives for HospitalsArticle
- The Statute of Repose ‘Means What It Says’ and Applies to Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims Alike, Decides Supreme Court of OhioArticle
- A Long-Awaited Change: OIG Updates its Compliance Program GuidancesArticle
- ChatGPT in Healthcare: Navigating the HIPAA-CupsArticle
- Expert Competency Rule Change Reverses Effects of Johnson v. AbdullahArticle
- What to expect now that we’re expecting: What the end of the public health emergency means for healthcare providers Part 2: Guidance on telehealthArticle
- What to expect now that we’re expecting: What the end of the public health emergency means for healthcare providersArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court confirms Wuerth application to medical claimsArticle
- Are you regulated under HIPAA? Ensure your website or app’s user tracking is HIPAA compliantArticle
- CMS restores 340B drug acquisition reimbursementArticle
- Ohio Department of Health proposes draft Health Care Service rules for commentArticle
- Malpractice does not equal murderArticle
- Supreme Court unanimously sides with American Hospital Association, 340B hospitals over outpatient drug reimbursement rates; 340B hospitals estimated to potentially recoup billions of dollarsArticle
- Fifth Circuit, HHS Keep No Surprises Act dispute resolution provision in limbo; Delays expectedArticle
- ESG and health care: Where does it fit?Article
- CMS issues updated guidance for certified facilities on COVID-19 vaccine requirement as public health emergency continuesArticle
- U.S. Supreme Court halts OSHA vaccine-or-test rule; Upholds CMS vaccine mandateArticle
- Legal updates on challenges to CMS vaccination mandate may cause more uncertaintyArticle
- Hold the press! Federal court issues national injunction blocking CMS vaccine mandate for health care workersArticle
- Long-awaited federal vaccine mandates are here!Article
- COVID-19 vaccines now available for most children and all teensArticle
- More federal courts dismiss legal challenges to hospital vaccine mandatesArticle
- Reducing workers’ compensation and OSHA liability during COVID-19 and beyondArticle
- Pfizer’s COVID booster doses now available for certain groups of peopleArticle
- Health care facilities and nursing homes awaiting CMS requirements for staff COVID-19 vaccinationsArticle
- FDA full approval of Pfizer vaccine should reduce risk of employer mandatesArticle
- Changes coming to Ohio’s real property tax exemption lawsArticle
- 2022 Medicare OPPS/ASC Proposed Rule includes updated reimbursement rates, new policies, and reversals of recent policy changesArticle
- CMS proposes changes to Medicare rules governing certain Evaluation and Management visitsArticle
- CMS proposes changes to Stark Law regulations and Open Payments ProgramArticle
- HHS updates interoperability standards to support sexual orientation and gender identityArticle
- Hospital price transparency rule penalties may increaseArticle
- Ohio’s new hospital licensure lawArticle
- Skilled nursing facility operator settles false claims case involving allegations that the company failed to report and return overpaymentsArticle
- Supreme Court makes certiorari determinations on two Medicare-related casesArticle
- First rules implementing surprise medical billing law issuedArticle
- Ohio law governing EMS stroke protocols revised to include new guidelines and trainingArticle
- State of emergency in Ohio liftedArticle
- U.S. District Court dismisses challenge to hospital’s employee vaccine mandateArticle
- OSHA’s new COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard for the health care industryArticle
- HHS releases new buprenorphine practice guidelines, relaxing waiver requirementsArticle
- Ohio House Bill 6 affects changes to COVID-19 vaccine and test administration and certain temporary licensesArticle
- CMS begins enforcement of Hospital Price Transparency RuleArticle
- DOJ announces $22 million False Claims Act settlement with the University of Miami for provider-based and lab billing issuesArticle
- CMS proposes changes to Promoting Interoperability program in IPPS RuleArticle
- New ACGME recognition for non-standard training of J-1 exchange visitor physiciansArticle
- Ohio bill codifies changes to reporting requirements for hospitals related to defendant competency issues in criminal casesArticle
- Highlights from the Medicare Program 2022 Proposed Rule for Acute Care Hospitals Inpatient Prospective Payment SystemArticle
- Court upholds Ohio law criminalizing physician participation in abortions based on Down syndromeArticle
- Information blocking compliance – Are you ready for April 5?Article
- Reminder of annual deadlines for school districts to mitigate revenue losses from property tax valuation complaintsArticle
- Federal court sides with Eli Lilly challenge to HHS expansion of 340B discountsArticle
- COVID-19 fraud, scams and schemes highlighted on OIG COVID-19 PortalArticle
- Status of MFN drug pricing program remains uncertainArticle
- Collaborating with public school districts to operate school-based and mobile health clinicsArticle
- Has COVID-19 forced the telehealth genie out of the bottle?Article
- The uncertain future of the price transparency rule in 2021Article
- Employer mandated COVID-19 vaccination of employees generally permitted by EEOCArticle
- Board governance, executive practices and diversity in 2021Article
- Information Blocking in 2021Article
- The Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute final rules: Top 10 takeawaysArticle
- OSHA obligations for hospitals with COVID-19 positive employeesArticle
- HIPAA Privacy Rule revisions in 2021Article
- Ohio nursing home quality of care addressed in draft executive budgetArticle
- Recent kickback cases yield almost $20 million in settlements for the United StatesArticle
- CMS issues mid-build audit determinations for provider-based locationsArticle
- CLER COVID-19 site visits to be conducted in 2021Article
- ACGME offers additional COVID-19 guidance for graduate medical education programsArticle
- ODH issues guidance on redistributing COVID-19 vaccine dosesArticle
- Florida pediatrician pleads guilty to conspiring to falsify clinical trial data in research study for asthma medication for childrenArticle
- CMS to begin reprocessing hospital claims for 2019 clinic visits provided at excepted off-campus provider-based departmentsArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court closes loophole in the statute of repose for medical claimsArticle
- Providers should account for extra doses of COVID-19 vaccines in their vaccination plansArticle
- Court of Appeals rules against hospitals in price transparency caseArticle
- OCR continues aggressive HIPAA Right of Access enforcement activitiesArticle
- Ohio Department of Health to allow sex marker changes on birth certificatesArticle
- Biddle claims are here to stay, the Ohio Supreme Court holdsArticle
- Second stimulus bill contains “surprise” billing measureArticle
- HHS OCR announces results of most recent round of HIPAA auditsArticle
- CMS announces proposed rule to improve electronic data exchange and streamline prior authorizationArticle
- What health care providers need to know as COVID-19 vaccines arrive in OhioArticle
- Major changes to HIPAA Privacy Rule proposedArticle
- Hospital COVID-19 visitor restrictions must still comply with the ADAArticle
- CMS releases Hospital 2021 OPPS final ruleArticle
- Will you be ready when the COVID-19 vaccines arrive?Article
- CMS and OIG finalize major changes to Stark and Anti-Kickback regulations: What health care entities need to knowArticle
- CMS and OIG issue long-awaited final rules changing the Stark Law, Anti-Kickback Statute and Beneficiary Inducement Civil Monetary Penalty LawArticle
- New rules in Ohio affecting consult agreements with pharmacistsArticle
- ONC extends Information Blocking compliance deadlinesArticle
- Ohio Medicaid telehealth changes made permanentArticle
- OCR announces second-largest HIPAA breach settlementArticle
- OCR settles five additional cases in HIPAA Right of Access InitiativeArticle
- U.S. Department of Labor issues revised FFCRA rules in response to New York District Court decisionArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court rules that the savings statute cannot save a late second filingArticle
- OCR recommends IT asset inventory for HIPAA complianceArticle
- Governor signs qualified immunity bill for COVID-19 related lawsuitsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS announces resumption of survey activitiesArticle
- Medicare to begin requiring orders for repeat COVID-19 and related testsArticle
- CMS issues new COVID-19 guidance, including nursing home staff testing requirementsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OCR updates guidance on contacting former COVID-19 patients about blood and plasma donation to add health plansArticle
- CMS to require a positive COVID-19 viral test result for additional 20 percent Medicare paymentArticle
- Deadline approaching to submit promoting interoperability hardship exception to avoid payment adjustmentArticle
- Expansion of Medicare telehealth services and ACA short-term health plans may be here to stayArticle
- Court of appeals rules that HHS has the authority to cut 340B hospitals’ Medicare payments for outpatient drugs by 28.5 percentArticle
- Your data is under attack: Are you ready?Article
- COVID-19 Update: CMS waivers continue as public health emergency extended, debate grows on which waivers should become permanentArticle
- HIPAA settlement highlights importance of mobile device encryptionArticle
- Wide-ranging executive orders regarding pharmaceutical pricing and availabilityArticle
- Medicare program resuming fee-for-service audits and DMEPOS prior authorization program paused during COVID-19 pandemicArticle
- SAMHSA announces changes to substance abuse treatment records in 42 CFR Part 2Article
- IRS moves CHNA due dates to December 31, 2020Article
- Telehealth services expanded in Ohio by new executive orderArticle
- D.C. Circuit upholds Medicare policy of paying hospital outpatient provider-based locations and physician offices the same, reversing lower courtArticle
- CMS announces restart of Review Choice Demonstration for Ohio home health agenciesArticle
- The FTC and the DOJ finalize new vertical merger guidelinesArticle
- ACGME sponsoring institution emergency categorizationArticle
- Anticipating COVID-19 enforcement action: Risks for providersArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OCR issues guidance on contacting former COVID-19 patients about blood and plasma donationArticle
- Medicare to require prior authorization for certain outpatient department services starting July 1, 2020Article
- Increased reimbursement for hospital stays for Medicare beneficiaries with COVID-19 diagnosis likely to lead to audits and False Claims lawsuitsArticle
- CMS issues first of two final rules changing the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug ProgramArticle
- Expanded CMS survey activities to begin, nursing home survey activities to increaseArticle
- All surgeries and procedures may resume, according to Ohio governorArticle
- Surprise COVID-19 medical bills: What providers can and cannot doArticle
- Transition to a single graduate medical education (GME) accreditation systemArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Ohio issues final plan for health care isolation centersArticle
- ACGME issues procedures for investigation and enforcement of non-compliance with its COVID-19 requirementsArticle
- CMS issues nursing homes best practices toolkit to combat COVID-19Article
- COVID-19 Update: Final rule adopted requiring long-term care facilities to report COVID-19 dataArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS allows hospitals to provide swing bed servicesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Providers beware – OCR reiterates that HIPAA restrictions on disclosures to the media apply during the pandemicArticle
- COVID-19 Update: The impact of COVID-19 on health care private equity due diligenceArticle
- COVID-19 Update: New CMS changes that impact medical educationArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Medicare to waive more testing, telehealth, hospital requirementsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: ODH issues order allowing providers to resume some non-essential surgeries and proceduresArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS issues explanatory guidance on Stark Law blanket waiversArticle
- COVID-19 recovery: Legal considerations for hospitals and health systems planning for post-pandemic operationsArticle
- COVID-19 recovery: Financial aid and resources for hospitals and health care providersArticle
- Clinical research flexibilities during the COVID-19 public health emergencyArticle
- COVID-19 Update: ODH announces elective surgery orderArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS and ONC delay interoperability rulesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Pandemic implications for GME programsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Beware of cooperation in the labor marketArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Providers participating in COVID-19 clinical trials now eligible for MIPS creditArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS issues guidelines on providing non-emergent and non-COVID-19 health careArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS issues guidance on transferring long-term care residentsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS and Ohio Board of Pharmacy issue new and updated regulatory waiversArticle
- COVID-19 Update: New Ohio orders require nursing homes and residential care facilities to notify residents of COVID-19 cases and require first responders to be told of COVID-19 casesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: DOL, HHS and Treasury issue FAQs for group health plans and insurers on COVID-19 testing and provider visitsArticle
- ONC interoperability rule: Notable exceptions to upcoming information blocking prohibitionArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OCR announces HIPAA enforcement discretion for community-based testing sitesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OCR issues bulletin on civil rights laws during public health emergencyArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OIG extends Kickback Statute protection to arrangements covered by blanket COVID-19 Stark law waiversArticle
- COVID-19 Update: New guidance on HIPAA issuesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Data sharing requests and orders for hospitalsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS issues new 1135 blanket waiversArticle
- COVID-19 Update: HHS issues 18 blanket waivers of enforcement of Stark lawArticle
- COVID-19 Update: How Ohio's coronavirus emergency bill impacts health care providersArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Health care provisions of the federal stimulus billArticle
- COVID-19 Update: HHS implements president’s executive order to prevent medical resource hoardingArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Cost-report reimbursement impact of expanding hospital inpatient bed capacityArticle
- CMS delays activation of systematic validation edits for OPPS providers with multiple service locations until further noticeArticle
- COVID-19 Update: ODI issues bulletin on out-of-network coverage for coronavirus testing and treatmentArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS announces relief for providers participating in quality reporting programsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OMHAS issues emergency telemedicine ruleArticle
- COVID-19 Update: ODM issues emergency telemedicine ruleArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Ohio Pharmacy Board issues guidance regarding practice of pharmacyArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Extending Medical Staff appointment/privilege periods during the coronavirus outbreakArticle
- COVID-19 Update: FDA announces policies to increase availability of coronavirus testingArticle
- COVID-19 Update: President Trump expands Medicare telehealth benefits during coronavirus outbreakArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Telehealth – waiver of HIPAA requirements and expanded flexibilityArticle
- COVID-19 Update: HHS issues limited 72-hour HIPAA waiver for hospitalsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: HHS issues EMTALA waiver for actions necessitated by COVID-19Article
- COVID-19 Update: What the president’s declaration of national emergency means for health care facilitiesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: OMHAS issues guidance for opioid treatment programsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Survey suspension FAQsArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Ohio confirms first casesArticle
- COVID-19 Update: CMS issues EMTALA guidanceArticle
- HHS releases final rules on interoperability and information blockingArticle
- COVID-19 Update: Reimbursement issues – Who is picking up the tab for coronavirus testing?Article
- CMS announces actions to address the spread of COVID-19Article
- Medicare Administrative Contractors request hospitals to verify practice locationsArticle
- Preparing for a COVID-19 outbreak: What do health care employers need to know?Article
- PA appellate court holds that physician credentialing file is not protected by the state peer review privilegeArticle
- EEOC accuses Yale hospital of violating ADEA and ADA by blanket medical testing physicians over 70Article
- EHR vendor Practice Fusion agrees to $145 million settlement to resolve criminal and civil kickback violationsArticle
- Could new Individual Coverage HRAs replace your group health plan?Article
- Changes coming to the Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute regulationsArticle
- Proposed vertical merger guidelines have finally arrivedArticle
- PACE offers innovative financing for significant energy efficiency and renewable energy improvementsArticle
- The new price transparency rule: Are you ready?Article
- What’s new with drugs?Article
- Big tech’s access to medical recordsArticle
- Best practices for resolving patient incapacity issuesArticle
- Roadmap to an effective compliance investigationArticle
- Wage and hour issues that frequently arise in the health care settingArticle
- CMS announces reduced psychiatric hospital burden with new survey processArticle
- Tentative settlement resolves antitrust claims against health system on the eve of trialArticle
- Hospitals: Annual filing deadline to seek real estate tax exemption is nearArticle
- Hazardous waste pharmaceuticals rulemakingArticle
- Could relief from the Medicare cuts in reimbursement for 340B drugs be coming soon for hospitals?Article
- DOJ updates guidance on evaluating the effectiveness of corporate compliance programsArticle
- Duke University to pay $112 million in research fraud settlementArticle
- Hospitals with off-campus provider-based departments: Check your PECOS enrollment fileArticle
- The Eliminating Kickbacks in Recovery Act of 2018: A new federal kickback law affecting the substance abuse treatment communityArticle
- Proposed California drug pricing program could shift 340B drug reimbursement away from hospitalsArticle
- CMS and ONC release proposed rules on interoperability and information blockingArticle
- HHS regulatory sprint to coordinated care: Will meaningful changes make it across the finish line?Article
- Federal court overturns 340B Drug Discount Program reimbursement cuts – future still uncertainArticle
- Not conducting exit interviews on your departing employees? You should be!Article
- CMS and the Ohio Department of Health surveys: Active enforcement and increased transparencyArticle
- The untold truth: Successful organizations have better boards and governanceArticle
- U.S. hospitals will continue to grapple with GDPR compliance in 2019Article
- ODH alignment recommendations for 2019 CHNA processArticle
- TCJA excise tax on excess executive compensation for nonprofitsArticle
- A 60-Day Overpayment Refund Rule updateArticle
- Coming soon: Changes to Ohio law governing hospices’ provision of palliative care and new requirements for hospitals to identify patients needing palliative careArticle
- DOJ moves to dismiss 11 False Claims Act casesArticle
- Best practices for resolving incapacity issues, including navigating the probate court process for establishing guardianshipsArticle
- HHS releases voluntary cybersecurity guidance for health care organizationsArticle
- New standard authorization forms must be accepted by health care providers in OhioArticle
- Congress enacts all payor kickback law for recovery homes, clinical treatment facilities and clinical laboratories, despite concerns about overbreadth and uncertainty of lawArticle
- Failure to terminate access of departing employee leads to HIPAA penaltyArticle
- The Ohio medical marijuana patient registry is now open: Are you ready?Article
- CMS expands reimbursement cuts on 340B drugsArticle
- Ohio’s new cybersecurity safe harbor law takes effectArticle
- OIG report finds Ohio Department of Medicaid made payments for deceased beneficiariesArticle
- 340B litigation update: Both Ceiling Price Rule delay and 340B rate cuts face legal challengesArticle
- Lights, camera, HIPAA! HHS announces settlement related to “Boston Med”Article
- Important clarification regarding compliance with certain Stark Law exceptionsArticle
- New guidance on the Tax Cuts and Job Act’s unrelated business taxable income changesArticle
- CMS proposes to limit the expansion of excepted services at off-campus PBDsArticle
- FDA issues guidance on use of EHR data in clinical researchArticle
- 340B Drug Pricing ProgramArticle
- Federal appeals court rules against the American Hospital Association’s challenge to the $1.6 billion in Medicare 340B cutsArticle
- DOJ conference remarks provide insight into government priorities related to health careArticle
- Judge upholds fourth largest HIPAA penalty of $4.3 million for Texas cancer centerArticle
- Health system to pay $18 million to settle FCA lawsuitArticle
- Recent hospice settlements highlight where things can go wrongArticle
- Mental health provider faces False Claims Act lawsuit due to alleged unlicensed, untrained and unsupervised personnelArticle
- Hospice news updateArticle
- CMS proposes to eliminate requirement for written inpatient admission ordersArticle
- Pennsylvania case reminds Ohio hospitals of the importance of adhering to provisions of peer review statuteArticle
- Ohio seeks to become the first state to receive a 1332 waiver of the individual mandateArticle
- Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 repeals therapy caps: What does it mean for hospital outpatient therapy departments?Article
- CMS releases new and updated tips on billing for various servicesArticle
- CMS now allows medical student documentation for E/M billingArticle
- CMS plans complete overhaul of EHR incentive programs, announces new patient access initiativesArticle
- Doctor pleads guilty to providing protected health information to drug makerArticle
- Ohio Board of Pharmacy releases proposed rules on pain management and office-based opioid treatment clinicsArticle
- EHR Incentive Program attestation deadline for hospitals extended to March 16, 2018Article
- No tax deduction for sexual harassment payments subject to NDAsArticle
- Protecting the conscience and religious beliefs of health care workersArticle
- Reminder: Notice of 2017 small HIPAA breaches due to HHS soonArticle
- CMS releases updated resource documents for Hospice Quality Reporting ProgramArticle
- Reminder: Hospitals must use QualityNet for attestation in 2018Article
- Opioid prescribing and potential liability will impact providers in Ohio and across the nation in 2018Article
- Incident reports and peer reviewArticle
- Antitrust enforcement priorities for 2018Article
- Off-campus provider-based hospital outpatient departments: Challenges and options in 2018Article
- Low Volume Appeals settlement option announcedArticle
- HIPAA access versus authorizationArticle
- CMS Quality Payment Program: Are you ready for round two?Article
- CMS imposes massive cuts on 340B program; Hospital associations’ legal challenge dismissedArticle
- Hospice compliance: OIG Work Plan, quality reportingArticle
- New cybersecurity threats with potential to impact health care industry identifiedArticle
- Exempt organizations: Costs of tax reformArticle
- To text or not to text? CMS issues guidanceArticle
- Annual deadline to seek new property tax exemption approachesArticle
- CMS cuts CY 2018 payment rates to non-excepted off-campus provider-based departmentsArticle
- Cardiology practice settles 60-Day Overpayment case under the False Claims Act for double damagesArticle
- Ohio apology statute covers admissions of faultArticle
- Revocation 2017-31014: First revocation for failure to comply with Section 501(r)Article
- National Health Care Fraud Takedown charges more than 400 defendants with $1.3 billion in false billingsArticle
- Kentucky court allows on-site inspection of electronic medical records in malpractice caseArticle
- AG issues advisory opinion regarding CNPs and acute care practiceArticle
- Hospital fined nearly $1.3 million for multiple EMTALA violations involving psychiatric patientsArticle
- TJC revises pain assessment and management requirements for accredited hospitalsArticle
- The consequences of “gun jumping” in mergers and acquisitionsArticle
- 2016 False Claims Act cases result in over $4.7 billion in recovery for Department of JusticeArticle
- What do President-Elect Trump’s HHS and CMS picks mean for health care reform?Article
- Assessing the impact of the election on health care reformArticle
- CMS delays implementation of the NOTICE Act and MOON form requirementArticle
- OCR announces new plan to investigate HIPAA breaches affecting fewer than 500 individualsArticle
- The Department of Justice alleges two hospitals unlawfully agreed to restrict marketing in each other’s primary areaArticle
- U.S Department of Homeland Security issues alert on hospital ransomware attacksArticle
- Hospital pays (reduced) ransomArticle
- Hackers demand ransom from California hospitalArticle
- False Claims settlement with Kindred/RehabCare regarding therapy services provided to SNF patients results in $125 million recoveryArticle
- OCR launches new HIPAA resource on mobile app developmentArticle
- Finalized Stage 3 Rule means big changes for meaningful use starting in 2015, especially for hospitalsArticle
- New CMS guidance and FAQs on switching Electronic Health Records vendorsArticle
- HHS OIG and industry leaders release joint guidance for health care boardsArticle
- Physician compensation problems cost Texas hospital over $21 millionArticle
- CMS releases Stage 3 Meaningful Use proposed ruleArticle
- Services performed by inappropriate staff members could lead to False Claims liabilityArticle
- Lessons Learned – How compliance officers can better protect their organizations (Part 5)Article
- Lessons Learned – How compliance officers can better protect their organizations (Part 4)Article
- CMS announces one-year delay in final 60-day overpayment ruleArticle
- Lessons Learned – How compliance officers can better protect their organizations (Part 3)Article
- Hospitals must start Medicare EHR participation in 2015 to earn incentivesArticle
- Appellate Court upholds divestiture after health care system acquires large physician groupArticle
- Anthem discloses largest ever health care industry cyber attackArticle
- Lessons Learned – How compliance officers can better protect their organizations (Part 2)Article
- CMS to consider shortening meaningful use reporting period for 2015Article
- Lessons Learned – How compliance officers can better protect their organizations (Part 1)Article
- CMS makes big changes to RAC programArticle
- Don't let this be you: Provider agrees to a $150,000 HIPAA settlement in potential security breach matterArticle
- CMS finalizes provider enrollment safeguards and tables fraud whistleblower rewardsArticle
- CMS proposes rule to strengthen accountable care organizationsArticle
- HRSA withdraws proposed 340B “Mega Reg” in favor of future agency guidanceArticle
- CMS extends CEHRT hardship exception deadline for eligible professionals and eligible hospitalsArticle
- OIG releases the 2015 work planArticle
- OIG proposes new AKS safe harbors and expands CMPsArticle
- CMS issues new and updated FAQs related to its appeals settlement offer to hospitalsArticle
- Recent false claims cases and settlementsArticle
- OIG report finds noncompliance with Ohio hospice licensure requirementsArticle
- OIG Audit uncovers erroneous Medicaid EHR incentive paymentsArticle
- New Ohio law requires informed consent for prescribing opioids to minorsArticle
- CMS offers settlement to resolve appeals backlog for denials of short stay inpatient claimsArticle
- Alabama health system and clinics to pay $24.5 million to settle alleged diagnostic imaging schemeArticle
- CMS and ONC finalize rule allowing options for CEHRTArticle
- Hospital system discloses HIPAA breach affecting 4.5 million individualsArticle
- Obstetric services requirement under DSH: Are your hospital’s DSH funds in jeopardy?Article
- DOJ intervenes in False Claims Act suit over ACA’s 60-day overpayment ruleArticle
- OIG proposes expansion and changes to civil monetary penalty regulations, including proposed penalty for failure to timely refund overpaymentsArticle
- CMS issues proposed rule to eliminate the requirement for physician certification of most hospital inpatient staysArticle
- New CMS interactive tool helps providers understand CEHRT proposed ruleArticle
- $800,000 HIPAA settlement in alleged medical record dumping matterArticle
- OIG proposed rule: No statute of limitations on certain exclusion actions and other significant changes to exclusion authorityArticle
- HHS sends two new HIPAA reports for 2011-2012 to CongressArticle
- Fraud takes no vacations: Summer vacation season brings new False Claims and health care fraud casesArticle
- CMS and ONC proposed rule provides 2014 CEHRT flexibility for meaningful usersArticle
- CMS issues new meaningful use attestation guidelinesArticle
- CMS final rule changes provider and supplier conditions of participationArticle
- $4.8M paid in largest HIPAA settlement to dateArticle
- CMS issues proposed payment rules for inpatient hospital and long-term care hospital prospective payment system for 2015 fiscal yearArticle
- Antitrust lessons from recent FTC successes in challenging hospital acquisitions in Ohio and IdahoArticle
- Ohio enacts new law revising the peer review statuteArticle
- New Ohio law for reporting newborns diagnosed as opioid dependentArticle
- ACA collection efforts: Requirements for tax-exempt hospitalsArticle
- CMS issues new and updated EHR FAQsArticle
- AHIMA issues position statement on copy and paste in EHRsArticle
- Important changes to CTP Formulary: Amendment to standard care arrangements required by April 1, 2014Article
- Florida hospital system agrees to record-setting False Claims Act settlementArticle
- FTC reaffirms strong concerns regarding hospital consolidationsArticle
- CMS updates and clarifies "two-midnight" rule: More Guidance on Reviewing Hospital Claims for Patient StatusArticle
- Eligible hospitals act now!Article
- CMS issues guidance on the probe and educate audits performed under the "two-midnight" ruleArticle
- HHS issues guidance on HIPAA and sharing information related to mental healthArticle
- OIG releases its 2014 work planArticle
- Meaningful and true – Former hospital executive faces criminal indictment for false meaningful use attestationArticle
- Ohio law changed to permit advanced practice nurses and physician assistants to admit patients to hospitals under certain conditionsArticle
- Recent False Claims settlement should serve as important reminder to all hospitalsArticle
- Annual breach reporting deadline March 1Article
- CMS extends EHR incentive program attestation deadlineArticle
- CMS delays review of “two-midnight” rule until after September 30, 2014Article
- With the support of the American Hospital Association, hospitals initiate a challenge to the “two-midnight” ruleArticle
- Federal Court holds that a physician is considered an “employee” for purposes of the EMTALA whistleblower protectionArticle
- Ohio State Medical Board issues new rules on terminating the physician-patient relationship and notifying patients when a physician leaves a practiceArticle
- Assignment of requests for administrative law judge hearings of denied Medicare claims suspended for at least two yearsArticle
- 2013 year in review and 2014 forecastArticle
- Ohio law revised to allow greater access to medical information under a durable power of attorney for health careArticle
- OIG and CMS extend EHR donation exceptions even longer than proposed and add other changesArticle
- New Law Requires Surgeons Performing Mastectomies in a Hospital to Follow Specific Guidance and Referral StandardsArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court Upholds the Controlling Board's Medicaid ExpansionArticle
- The Impact of Medicare’s "Two-Midnight" RuleArticle
- Meaningful Use Deadline Extended One YearArticle
- OIG Finds OCR Lacking in Oversight and Enforcement of HIPAA Security RuleArticle
- CMS Announces Increased Provider Enrollment Fee for 2014Article
- Department of Justice Announces Health Care False Claims Act SettlementsArticle
- Health Management Associates Repays CMS $31 MillionArticle
- CMS Issues Additional Guidance on "Two-Midnight" RuleArticle
- Lawsuit Challenging Medicaid Expansion Filed in Ohio Supreme CourtArticle
- Controlling Board authorizes expanded Ohio Medicaid program and challenge filed in Ohio Supreme CourtArticle
- The Tuomey Saga – The Latest ChapterArticle
- CMS Delays Review of “Two-Midnight” RuleArticle
- No Rest for the Weary: The Feds Have Been Busy Fighting Health Care Fraud!Article
- Medicaid Expansion Group Reaches Next Step in Initiated Statute ProcessArticle
- A New Breed of Whistleblower? Consulting Company Turns in its Own Health Care Client for Alleged False ClaimsArticle
- CMS Implements New Conditions for Payments Related to Inpatient Hospital AdmissionsArticle
- Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality attains deeming authorityArticle
- New OIG Opinion Leaves Door Open to New Preferred Hospital Networks Without Violating Kickback StatutesArticle
- The Journey of Medicaid Expansion from the Affordable Care Act to OhioArticle
- Tuomey Fights Back Against False Claims VerdictArticle
- Ohio Supreme Court Rules on Workers' Compensation Coverage of Mental Health ConditionsArticle
- Summer is Here and the HEAT is On! The Government’s Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team Has Been Busy!Article
- OIG Advisory Bulletin Provides Clarification Regarding Exclusion from Federal Health Care ProgramsArticle
- 89 People Arrested Nationwide in Health Care Fraud StingArticle
- The Tuomey Saga Continues – Jury Rules that Tuomey Violated the Stark Law and False Claims ActArticle
- Health Care Fraud Enforcement Remains Hot as HEAT Continues Aggressive Enforcement of Health Care Laws in 2013Article
- Doctor’s Sympathetic Statement to Patient Cannot Be Used as Evidence of LiabilityArticle
- OIG Updates Self-Disclosure Protocol and Confirms OIG’s Position on PenaltiesArticle
- Community Health Needs Assessment Requirements Spelled Out by IRS, Treasury DepartmentArticle
- Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank Merging with the National Practitioner Data BankArticle
- HHS and CMS Propose to Amend Regulations Permitting Donation of EHR Items and ServicesArticle
- FTC files antitrust challenge to hospital system's acquisition of primary care physician group practiceArticle
- Ignoring Possible Billing Errors May be Enough to Support a "Reverse" False Claims LawsuitArticle
- Health Care Providers Take Note: Your Contract With An HMO May Require Affirmative Action Compliance, Even If It Doesn’t Say SoArticle
- CMS Conditions of Participation: Try, try againArticle
- Drum Beat of Health Care False Claims Act Settlements Continued in FebruaryArticle
- Government Announces Record-Breaking Returns from Health Care Fraud EnforcementArticle
- U.S. Supreme Court rules for FTC in hospital merger caseArticle
- Ohio Governor Kasich Discusses Budget, Taxes, Education and Health Care Reform During the 2013 State of the StateArticle
- Analysis of Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule: Notice of Privacy PracticesArticle
- Analysis of Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule: Enforcement ProvisionsArticle
- Proposed gainsharing program passes federal antitrust reviewArticle
- Analysis of the Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule: Individual Rights Regarding Restrictions and AccessArticle
- 2013 Already an Active Year in Health Care False Claims Act SettlementsArticle
- Analysis of Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule: Business Associates and Business Associate AgreementsArticle
- HHS Releases New Sample HIPAA Business Associate AgreementArticle
- Analysis of the Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule: Changes to Marketing, Sale of PHI and Fundraising RequirementsArticle
- Once More Into the Breach: Major Changes to the HIPAA Breach Notification RequirementsArticle
- What You Will and Won’t Find in the Final Omnibus HIPAA RuleArticle
- HHS Issues Final Omnibus HIPAA RuleArticle
- Federal Appeals Court Rules that a Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor’s Decision to Reopen a Claim for Review is Beyond Judicial ScrutinyArticle
- CMS Issues Final Rule Implementing Stage 2 of Meaningful UseArticle
- Medicare Recovery Audit Prepayment Review to Begin on August 27, 2012Article
- Urgent Care Facility Chain Settles False Claims Act Lawsuit for $10 MillionArticle
- Medicare Conditions of Participation: The good, the bad and the unsureArticle
- U.S. Supreme Court Upholds the Affordable Care ActArticle
- Supreme Court will hear case involving FTC’s challenge to the merger of only two hospitals in Albany, GeorgiaArticle
- HIPAA Audit Protocols and OCR’s Plan Future HIPAA Audits – OCR Has a Plan, Despite What GAO SaysArticle
- Ohio’s New Law on Health Information ExchangesArticle
- Abbott Labs Settlement Highlights Importance of Taking Employee Complaints SeriouslyArticle
- Two Major Health Care Companies Pay $137.5 Million and $3.8 Million, Respectively, to Settle Violations Against the False Claims ActArticle
- Medicare Shared Savings Program Fraud and Abuse Waivers: Common Questions and ConcernsArticle
- First Enforcement Action Under HITECH Breach Rules Results in $1.5M Settlement by Blue Cross Blue Shield of TennesseeArticle
- Requirements For Ordering Hospital Outpatient Services Clarified By CMSArticle
- 'Tis the Season to [Not] Give KickbacksArticle
- ACOs Take Two: Major Changes in Final RegulationsArticle
- Multiple Government Agencies and Departments Make Coordinated Release of Final Medicare ACO RulesArticle
- Proposed Rule Modifies HIPAA's Accounting of Disclosures RequirementsArticle
- Two Companion Rules Completing the Stage 1 Criteria for the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program ReleasedArticle
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