Consider finding a new job with a company: On your first day, the company explains that it will invest a significant amount of time and resources in training you. In return, the company expects you to sign a training repayment agreement. If you leave before three years, you owe the company repayment for the cost of training. Makes sense. However ...
The Supreme Court of the United States opened up the new term on October 7, 2024. The Court is currently slated to address 40 cases this term. Oral arguments will be heard for nine cases in October and an additional seven in November. Decisions are expected to start rolling out as soon as June 2025. We will be paying close attention to the cases most ...
What You Need to Know About Violation of Specific Safety Requirement (VSSR) Penalties in Ohio
Ohio employers have a duty to provide their employees with a workplace that is free from known dangers that could harm employees. Unfortunately, injuries can and do happen, even in safe workplaces. When employers think about workplace safety and ...
Dogs seem to be everywhere you go these days: whether it’s an outdoor restaurant, the hardware store, or your local brewery. While many may wish it were true, employers are not obligated to allow employees to bring an emotional support animal to work.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), a service animal is a dog trained to work ...
Employers are governed not only by federal wage and hour, discrimination, leave, and other such laws, but also by a patchwork of state and local employment laws. In our experience, employers are often unaware of state and local employment law changes until after the fact.
As an example, Michigan passed the Earned Sick Time Act in 2018, but before ...
In a blink of an eye, summer is over and people everywhere are planning on changes in weather and time. Just a few short weeks ago, we were reminding you about considerations for the summer employment hours for minors. Now that school is fully back in session for high schoolers, employers need to make sure their teenage employees scale back on their ...
I was hanging out with my friend this weekend, both catching up on emails from a coffee shop. After a while, he turned to me. “Well sh*t. Looks like my social security number might be on the dark web.”
He wasn’t alone. It seems more than 2.9 billion records of personal data were stolen this month. Names, social security numbers, addresses ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) software, programs, and systems are not new. But, as with other recent advances in technology, the law is racing to keep up or even catch up with the use of AI in the workplace. AI offers employers various opportunities for efficiencies and improvements in the workplace. AI can be used in recruiting and screening ...
In breaking news that will surprise … absolutely no one, a federal judge ruled yesterday that the FTC overstepped its authority when it issued a sweeping national ban on non-compete agreements. The decision came out of Texas – aka the state where all federal rules go to die. The judge wrote: “In sum, the Court concludes that the FTC lacks ...
All Ohio employers are required to maintain workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees, which can be a significant business expense. Ohio employers should be aware that the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) offers many safety programs, training opportunities, and premium rebate opportunities for employers who make ...