The Ohio Ethics Commission (OEC) recently published the third quarter issue of its "The Voice of Ethics" newsletter. The issue focuses on Ohio's ethics laws and the private sector. Read the full issue here.
Once a political party’s national convention is concluded, the primary contribution period is officially ended and presidential candidates can begin raising money toward the general election period. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) recently issued a reminder to contributors regarding these contribution limits.
Many public officials maintain outside employment, sometimes at nonprofit corporations that receive financial support from the public agencies they serve. In response to a number of questions it has received over the years, the Ohio Ethics Commission (OEC) recently issued Advisory Opinion No. 2016-01 to offer guidance for public officials who ...
Nonprofit organizations that seek to advance the political or social agendas of political candidates must be careful to keep their distance from those candidates.
The Federal Elections Commission (FEC) recently issued a reminder for those preparing their FEC reports due in July.