Are You Going to Pay or Play – After the Final Regs
Lyndsey Barnett
Shortly after the proposed regulations were issued, we published an article on the pay or play regulations. We have updated the article for the final regulations. This article is a good refresher on the basics of the pay or play mandates. It can also be a great tool if you need to explain the mandates to others (e.g., the CEO wants to know why you are telling him health plan costs are going to go up next year due to having to offer the plan to more people).
Shortly after the proposed regulations were issued, we published an article on the pay or play regulations. We have updated the article for the final regulations. This article is a good refresher on the basics of the pay or play mandates. It can also be a great tool if you need to explain the mandates to others (e.g., the CEO wants to know why you are telling him health plan costs are going to go up next year due to having to offer the plan to more people).