What standard of review do courts use for the administrator’s interpretation of plan language and administrator’s factual determinations? The answer will depend on whether the plan document delegates discretion to the plan administrator. A court reviewing the denial of a claim of an ERISA plan that lawfully delegates discretionary ...
Buried within last month’s Budget Bill were three changes that will be important to both plan participants and employers starting in 2019. Generally, the changes will make it easier for plan participants to acquire funds through a hardship withdrawal. The Bill does not mandate employers to make any changes, but employers might want to amend ...
The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act changed the way that certain IRS limits would be indexed. One of the items that was changed was how the HSA contribution limits would be calculated. The indexing change was effective when the Act was passed in December. However, since the HSA contribution limits were already announced for 2018, most people (including myself ...