Ohio Senate passes job training bill; site rehabilitation credit bill introduced in the House
Economic development authorities pick leaders
PUCO member to head up commerce department, leaving vacancy on the PUCO
H.B. 56 would allow tax exemptions granted under TIF agreements to be reduced for companies that fail to create promised jobs
Ohio is second in the nation in auto parts jobs
Ohio Tax Credit Authority approves job creation tax credits for 13 projects
Transportation budget heads to Gov. Kasich's desk to be signed
State of Ohio’s employment summary: February 2013
Ohio exports increased to $48.5 billion in sales last year
S.B. 12 would establish employment period minimums for Ohioans trained through state-backed oil and gas programs
Gov. Kasich's budget would allow electric utilities to recover the costs of economic development projects
Concerns abound over Gov. Kasich’s proposed expansion of the tax base
Gov. Kasich announces new director of DSA
Clean Ohio streamlines approval process for brownfield project
Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit program now accepting applications for Round 10
National employment summary: February 2013
State of Ohio’s employment summary: January 2013
<i>Site Selection</i> magazine ranks Ohio second in 2012 Governor's Cup race; ranks 21 Ohio cities for new and expansion projects
BLS released 2012 annual average unemployment summary
JobsOhio created and retained fewer jobs in 2012 than in 2011
Sequester order has been issued
JobsOhio’s economic development strategy looks beyond financial incentives
H.B. 37 puts the work-sharing program back on the table
House and Senate panels meet with Lima educators and business owners to discuss workforce development
2012 had the most new business filings in Ohio history
Environmental Defense Fund releases report on Ohio’s advanced energy economy
Ohio Sen. Bill Seitz moves to review the state’s energy portfolio and energy efficiency standards; outlines plan for S.B. 221’s future
New Clean Ohio program rules require brownfield sites to have an end user in order to receive funds
Bridge project moves Ohio closer to its first public-private partnership
H.B. 5 would standardize Ohio’s municipal tax structure
First two bills introduced into the Ohio House of Representatives address the Kasich administration’s OhioMeansJobs initiative
The PACE program: a new approach to financing commercial energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades
New report calls the practice of using tax incentives to retain and attract businesses “interstate job piracy”
JobsOhio quarterly meeting update: 2012 in review and looking forward to 2013
Gov. Kasich releases Executive Budget for Fiscal Years 2014-2015
A month of transition: January sees changes in the leadership of several economic development organizations across the state
Transaction complete: Ohio’s wholesale liquor franchise transferred to JobsOhio
Transportation Review Advisory Council approves 32 construction projects for 2014-2017
National employment summary: January 2013
Despite pending litigation, JobsOhio moved forward with its bond sale, expects to clear $125M from liquor bond sale
Gov. Kasich will not readily use tax incentives to retain and attract businesses
January 2013 Ohio Tax Credit Authority and Ohio Controlling Board overview
Columbus ranks 4th in the On Numbers Economic Index for January 2013
22 higher education institutions to receive $11 million in funding for co-op/internship programs
State Sen. Beagle to chair newly created Committee on Workforce & Economic Development
State of Ohio’s employment summary: December 2012
Ohio rises in <i>Forbes</i> best states for business rankings
National employment summary: December 2012
Jim Petro to step down as chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents in February
Ohio’s 90 one-stop employment centers rebranded as OhioMeansJobs
U.S. House passes STEM Jobs Act to grant visas to foreigners with advanced U.S. degrees in science, technology, engineering and math
Ohio to refund more than $13 million to businesses that overpaid their commercial activity tax (CAT)
$35.9 million in Ohio Historic Tax Credits awarded to 23 recipients in round nine
Ohio Chamber of Commerce and the Metro Chambers of Commerce release progress report on recommendations for fiscal progress and job growth
State of Ohio's employment summary: Novemeber 2012
Bonds issued against future Ohio Turnpike toll revenue will generate approximately $3 billion in revenue and create 65,000 jobs
Ohio Senate passes bill to raise the annual limit on the Ohio New Markets Tax Credit Program from $10 million to $50 million
Ohio Development Services Agency and Ohio University launch new solar supply chain database to promote Ohio manufacturing
Report provides a regional breakdown of Ohio’s energy efficiency industry
Details soon to emerge on Gov. Kasich’s plans for the Ohio Turnpike
December 2012 Ohio Tax Credit Authority overview
Gov. Kasich, Gov. Beshear and U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood will meet today to discuss funding for Brent Spence Bridge
Ohio Development Services Agency director discusses organizational changes
Gov. Kasich appoints Tracy Intihar as the executive director of the Office of Workforce Transformation
Gov. Kasich will de-emphasize the use of tax credits for attracting and retaining businesses
National employment summary: November 2012
Ohio’s 2012 business filing figures are higher than last year’s
State funding cuts to local governments amount to $1 billion for 2012 and 2013
Monthly report from OhioMeansJobs will showcase the state’s workforce to employers considering expansion
JobsOhio launches ad campaign to tout state’s economic strengths
Governor Kasich’s Executive Workforce Board aims to reconcile work force skills with employer needs
Ohio looks for lessons in Indiana as it debates privatizing the Ohio Turnpike
State does not renew contract with United Labor Agency
Governor's Cup submission deadline quickly approaching
Keeping up the PACE: Ohio’s second PACE bond issue closes
State of Ohio’s employment summary: October 2012
Technology Investment Tax Credit exhausts funding before it can be renewed
Local Government Innovation Fund loans seeing increased interest in fourth round
Ohio Development Services Agency launches Ohio Vacant Facilities Fund to find new uses for abandoned sites
Workers’ compensation rates to fall five percent for public employers
A recent tax increment financing ruling from the Ohio Supreme Court
Ohio ranked second in Site Selection’s 2012 ranking of state business climates
What sequestration means for the states in FY2013
National employment summary: October 2012
Ohio Third Frontier Commission announces 2013 budget and program changes
OhioEnergyPathways.org launched to help Ohioans prepare and apply for energy jobs
New online tools map state-owned buildings and properties
On the horizon in Ohio: Is there potential for funding energy projects through innovative “on-bill repayment” mechanism?
Dayton Daily News examines Ohio’s tax incentives for businesses
ODOT uses highway rest stops to generate transportation revenue
Ohio minimum wage to increase 15 cents to $7.85 on January 1, 2013
State of Ohio’s employment summary: September 2012
Ohio business creation is up 8 percent from last year
Ohio breaks into the top 25 list of states for entrepreneurial development
Ohio and Kentucky governors to sign Brent Spence bridge pact
Ohio Controlling Board approves $4 million study for new Brent Spence bridge construction project
Local governments apply for more feasibility grants than implementation loans
Ohio Supreme Court declines to rule on the constitutionality of JobsOhio
Gov. Kasich is finalizing new incumbent workforce training program
Website helps buyers locate Ohio-based suppliers