Seeing demonstrated progress, Ohio Controlling Board votes to release funding to Rocket Ventures
Bricker & Eckler releases updated chart tracking Ohio’s oil and gas-related economic development
Shale Industry’s Impact on Your Finances Seminar on April 25
JobsOhio begins releasing new monthly financial reports on its economic development projects
Ohio's unemployment rate dropped to 6.5 percent in February
House committee approves bill that would allow parcel owners to opt out of incentive-district TIF
Auto parts supplier to create 150 jobs at a planned $50 million manufacturing plant in Monroe
Ohio's unemployment rate dropped to 6.9 percent in January
Economic development provisions included in Kasich administration’s second mid-biennium review budget bill
Newly founded VentureOhio is the first unified voice representing the state's entrepreneurs
Ohio among 16 states to achieve record export levels in 2013
Ohio House of Representatives passes Sub. H.B. 289 to phase out JEDZs
Ohio Attorney General announces $1.5 million settlement with Buckeye Silicon for failing to create jobs
Local leaders in eastern Ohio consider the overall impact of shale development to be positive
Ohio House Public Utilities Committee holds hearing on bill to permit natural gas companies to apply for an infrastructure development rider
Ohio University will release its shale community impact survey during a free webinar on Monday, February 24th
S.B. 134 would limit the ability of local governments in other states to directly finance economic development projects in Ohio
Opinion of Attorney General outlines county authority to convey real property in economic development setting
Ohio and Indiana continue to promote their unmanned aircraft facilities despite losing out on a FAA test site designation
Greater Cleveland Partnership to request $20.3 million in state funding to help finance $210 million in regional development
Ohio's unemployment rate dropped to 7.2 percent in December
Ohio Controlling Board approves seven Ohio Third Frontier loan requests totaling more than $7 million
Economic impact of craft brewers in Ohio was $1.26 billion in 2012
Local leaders say ODOT's planning map will hinder economic development in Stark County
Global automotive glassmaker to invest $200 million in a former GM plant in Moraine and create 800 jobs
New Technology Concept Fund aims to help Ohio State University-licensed technologies become marketable
Federal Aviation Administration passes on Ohio and Indiana's joint application to serve as a drone test site
Cleveland Fed reports that the Columbus area is "leading the state to recovery"
Ohio's unemployment rate dropped slightly in November to 7.4 percent
JobsOhio to publish monthly report itemizing details about incentives, incentive recipients
Constitutional Modernization Commission considers restrictions on public investments in private enterprises
AG report highlights importance of economic development incentive compliance
Ohio is positioning itself to be a player in the unmanned aircraft industry
Ohio Third Frontier approves $12.8 million in funding for 16 projects
Dayton requests $3 million in state funding for a $55 million development project that would create 260 new jobs
Seneca Industrial and Economic Development Corp. picks former ODSA chief to be its new president and CEO
Ohio Tax Credit Authority approves 11 projects
Ohio House Bill 375 introduces new oil and gas severance tax proposal, with industry support
Mary Cusick becomes TourismOhio's first director
Ohio's unemployment rate was 7.4 in September and 7.5 percent in October
Ohio drops to fourth in Site Selection's 2013 rankings of state business climates
Ohio Rep. Kirk Schuring introduces H.B. 358 to impose a 90-day moratorium on the creation of most new JEDDs and JEDZs
Clean Ohio Council approves more than $6 million in grants in its final meeting
Bipartisan legislation aims to spur economic development by loosening open container laws
JobsOhio launches new Clean Ohio Fund program
Toledo Blade investigates compliance in state economic development incentive programs
Two Ohio economic development entities receive federal grants to help bring jobs to the United States
New substitute bill on municipal tax simplification unveiled
Federal Reserve reports modest growth in Ohio's economy during the past six weeks
Heads of the Ohio DSA and JobsOhio discuss the state's economic outlook
Budget bill removes PILOTs from the school funding formula
The Tax Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to tax analysis, recently released its 2014 State Business Tax Climate Index. The index purports to evaluate the business tax climate of the 50 states based on a series of factors. It values taxes on consumption over taxes on income; it generally favors broad tax bases with low rates; ...
Ohio Third Frontier considers expanding its economic development program to include venture capital funding
Ohio Tax Credit Authority approves 12 projects
Gov. Kasich orders the DSA to keep the values of its tax credits public
Ohio's unemployment rate increased slightly to 7.3 percent in August
Ohio attorney general announces groundbreaking lawsuits aiming to recover more than $10 million in state aid from economic development award recipient
Bipartisan House legislation would require the Ohio Development Services Agency to provide technical assistance to eligible businesses
Ohio Development Services Agency approves deadline extension for building rehabilitation project in Youngstown
Ohio Development Services Agency announces second round of Incumbent Worker Training Vouchers
Ohio Tax Credit Authority approves nine projects
State releases quarterly report on economic trends within Ohio's oil and gas industries
Ohio's unemployment rate holds steady at 7.2 percent in July
Economic incentives in the news last week
Bipartisan legislation introduced to add $100 million to DSA's technology investment program
New York Times post assesses the impact of business incubators
PNC Bank releases 3rd Quarter 2013 economic outlook for four Ohio markets
Venture capital fund led by former JobsOhio chief invests in Cincinnati-based travel startup called Roadtrippers
Ohio's budget bill allows local governments to discuss economic development deals in executive session
Ohio’s "fiscal emergency" process guards against bankruptcy
Ohio Tax Credit Authority approves 10 projects
After receiving a tax credit to create 85 new jobs in Wilmington, TimberTech eliminates 58 jobs with the closing of its Columbus factory
Study: JumpStart's investments have resulted in direct economic benefits for Ohio
Report: Ohio's booming shale industry is straining housing infrastructure and causing low-income housing shortages
Critics accuse local governments of misusing joint economic development districts to replace state funding cuts
Ohio's unemployment rate climbs to 7.2 percent in June
Bricker & Eckler law firm opens Marietta office
U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown is promoting a bill to modernize and improve the EPA Brownfields Program
Ohio Third Frontier Commission considers awarding significantly larger grants in light of unused funds
Willard & Kelsey Solar Group shutters operations, owes more than $12 million to the state
Leaders envision the Southern Ohio Agricultural and Community Development Foundation program without state funding
Ohio Third Frontier creates three new programs to bolster the state's tech-based economy
Ohio Tax Credit Authority to assist 15 economic development projects that are expected to create 831 new jobs
Ohio's unemployment rate holds steady at 7.0 percent
Ohio House approves tax credit for the rehabilitation of vacant industrial sites
Report says Ohio ties Texas for third-highest number of giant subsidy packages
Ohio's economic growth in 2012 ranks 20th in the nation
Ohio House hears testimony supporting the brownfield redevelopment tax credit
Ohio Tax Credit Authority will assist 10 projects to create more than 1,100 jobs and retain 21,264 jobs
Ohio's unemployment rate drops to 7.0 percent
Ohio Senate passes a two-year extension of the Enterprise Zone program
Venture capital firms look to Ohio to invest
National survey finds Ohio to have the most-improved business climate
Bricker & Eckler attorney Caleb Bell explains PACE financing at recent NAIOP chapter event
Study: Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund's returns on investments prove strong
Five Ohio groups receive $145 million from the New Markets Tax Credits program
Ohio Development Services Agency is transferring administration of the Edison Incubator Program to Ohio Third Frontier
Q1 2013: 17 Ohio companies see $35.3 million in capital investments
Initiative uses collaboration to increase Ohio's competitiveness in biohealth industry