Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate now have proposed versions of a “landmark” bill calling for the United States to transition from fossil fuels to “100% clean energy no later than 2050,” reports. The House’s “100 by ’50 Act,” like the Senate bill, has seven core components: Greening the Grid, Electrifying the Energy Economy, Clean and Renewable Energy for All, Just Transition for Workers, Ending New Fossil Fuel Investments, Ensuring American Competitiveness, and Mobilizing American Resources. Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colorado), sponsor of the House bill, said in a press release, “[t]o remain a global economic leader, we must invest in renewable energy technology and fully embrace a cleaner, carbon-free future.” The National Congress of American Indians, Environment America and the Sierra Club all expressed support for the bill. For more, read the full article.