Carrollton area officials celebrated the groundbreaking of a new education complex that will be built through a unique funding formula requiring no new taxes, according to a recent Times-Reporter article. “The bulk of the money — 61 percent — will be coming from Carroll County Energy, which is building an electric generating plant north of Carrollton,” according to the article. A 2014 enterprise zone agreement guarantees the school district $1.3 million annually from Carroll County Energy for the next 30 years. Commissioner Jeff Ohler said the new middle school and high school complex will “help with economic development in Carroll County.” Ohler said “two big factors” that companies have seen as obstacles to locating in the area were “water and sewer,” which “we’re working diligently on” and the school facilities. For more, read the full article.
Enterprise zone agreement helps fund $38M new school complex in Carrollton