Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, along with Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Department of Development Director Lydia Mihalik, recently announced a $152 million investment in projects “to transform communities along Ohio’s Appalachian waterfront,” according to a news release from the governor’s office. The regional nonprofit Ohio River Way, which champions “a new vision of thriving communities that embrace the Ohio River,” expressed “enthusiastic support” for the funding that “will increase access to local waterways, revitalize historic riverfront downtowns and create opportunities for tourism and recreation,” the Portsmouth Daily Times reports. In that article, Chair of the Ohio River Way Brewster Rhoads said the “historic investment marks the biggest milestone yet” in making the group’s vision a reality. Mihalik said, “[b]y revitalizing riverfront communities and enhancing access to some of Ohio’s most precious natural resources, we're not just embarking on a journey of economic growth; we're catalyzing a profound transformation in the lives of our people, fostering new opportunities and shaping a brighter future for generations to come,” according to the news release.
Projects receiving the funding “encompass a wide range of improvements including river-to-downtown connections, downtown redevelopment, streetscape enhancements, and the addition of new boat ramps, docks, and parks….designed to improve walkability within communities and boost tourism,” the Daily Times reports. “The Ohio River and its tributaries have long served as a source of commerce and economic opportunity; however, Ohio has not maximized these resources for recreation, tourism and improving the quality of life for the people who live there. Better days are on the way as this investment will make all of these communities a better place to live and play,” said Lt. Governor Jon Husted in the news release. For more, read the full news release and the full Portsmouth Daily Times article.