Since the Anthem breach, more and more legislative bodies have begun to take a closer look at the issues of data breach notification and data security in general, as several recent stories illustrate.
Cybersecurity issues can be daunting for many businesses. But the Obama administration has proposed changes that will allow companies victimized by violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to file civil lawsuits against perpetrators.
Many businesses know that calling the wrong party could mean trouble according to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). In broad terms, the law forbids cell phone calls without the consent of the called party. This recent blog post sets up a potentially frightening scenario for businesses — an accidental call.
Home Depot is facing class litigation relating to data breach allegations, revealing that this and other large retailers are likely to see more of these suits in the coming months. As this story details, the home improvement store's data breach has spawned “at least 21 federal lawsuits” as of October 10.
Legislation introduced to nullify impact of Wal-Mart v. Dukes in employment discrimination cases via 'group actions'